The package is used to implement basic online mapping using PCL library.
- Eigen3
- Node ndt_mapping_node
- Node icp_mapping_node
Before we start running the mapping module, there is one configuration file needed to be specfied.
- path:
Their path is
- format:
topic_name_lidar: "/points_raw"
map_saved: true
map_resolution: 0.02
displacement: 5
time_difference: 1
topic_name_lidar is the topic name of point cloud.
map_saved is used to indicate the node to save the current map.
(i.e. If you intend to save the current map, type rosparam set /ndt_mapping_node/map_saved false
, it'll save the current map in ~/pcl_matching/data/map.pcd.)
map_resolution is the resolution of built map. It use voxel grid filter to downsample the map point cloud.
map_update/displacement and map_update/time_difference determines when to update map (add new point cloud to map), either by the displacement or time difference to last updated pose.
- Launch the node
roslaunch pcl_matching ndt_mapping.launch
- /points_raw (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
Point cloud for building map.
- /ndt_mapping_node/local_map (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
Built map. The first LiDAR frame is set as the map frame.
Before we start running the mapping module, there is one configuration file needed to be specfied.
- path:
Their path is
- format:
topic_name_lidar: "/points_raw"
map_saved: true
map_resolution: 0.02
displacement: 5
time_difference: 1
topic_name_lidar is the topic name of point cloud.
map_saved is used to indicate the node to save the current map.
(i.e. If you intend to save the current map, type rosparam set /icp_mapping_node/map_saved false
, it'll save the current map in ~/pcl_matching/data/map.pcd.)
map_resolution is the resolution of built map. It use voxel grid filter to downsample the map point cloud.
map_update/displacement and map_update/time_difference determines when to update map (add new point cloud to map), either by the displacement or time difference to last updated pose.
- Launch the node
roslaunch pcl_matching icp_mapping.launch
- /points_raw (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
Point cloud for building map.
/icp_mapping_node/local_map (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
Built map. The first LiDAR frame is set as the map frame. -
Result of ndt mapping