Releases: tomas-nestorovic/RIDE
Releases · tomas-nestorovic/RIDE
- Improved transparency of formatting/unformatting processes by listing actions being done with the disk,
- fixed registering of bad sectors in FAT when formatting cylinders.
- added warning on data over index,
- added hexa-preview of bad data to Sector read error resolution dialog,
- added new information to final report,
- not finding a sector has now the highest priority in error detection.
KryoFlux and Stream files
- added cursor position indicators to flux Scatter Plot and Histogram charts,
- added "Advanced" and "Preservation" counts of revolutions to the Settings dialog,
- added RIDE signature to Stream files,
- fixed navigation to the first significant verification difference, rather then just the first difference,
- fixed recognition of double-distanced Stream files,
- fixed precompensation determination,
- fixed attempting to read a track after head calibration,
- fixed "Save as" command (for IPF, CT-RAW, Streams, and the device itself),
- disabled settings that don't make sense for Unknown DOS.
Internal FDD
- improved and fixed latency determination,
- fixed name in dump report,
- disabled settings that don't make sense for Unknown DOS.
- added toolbar with miscellaneos commands,
- improved app recency reporting,
- fixed recognition of known image extensions,
- fixed thread synchronization in Track Map tab,
- fixed extraction of MS-DOS long name if containing sector is bad,
- minor GUI improvements.
KryoFlux and Stream files
- fixed modified document as "dirty,"
- fixed access to non-existent revolution,
- fixed double-track distance when creating Stream files,
- fixed recognition of Stream files created using Greaseweazle,
- fixed interactivity in Track Editor,
- fixed working with sectors without DAM,
- improved speed of writing,
- improved robustness of Stream file naming (e.g. some users omitted the cylinder information in the pattern, preventing them from creating their Streams - RIDE now recognizes and solves such error).
Internal FDD
- improved latency determination, now examining track 39 instead of 0,
- added maintaining of several revolutions of the same sector, e.g. for their comparison in hexa-browser.
Disk Hexa-browser
- fixed displaying of non-existent revolution,
- fixed deadlock when content not available,
- improved response time,
- improved shortcuts,
- added reporting of progress in status-bar.
- fixed adoption of Gap 3 from already formatted healthy track,
- fixed writing of partially formatted raw image,
- fixed conversion of physical address to track number,
- added time measurement,
- added new warnings to final report.
All Spectrum DOSes
- fixed closing of tape,
- fixed application of address base for Screen$'s,
- added command to turn Screen$ flashing on and off,
- added command to save current Screen$ as non-flashing bitmap.
- minor GUI and synchronization improvements.
Internal FDC
- fixed resetting of data transfer speed,
- fixed iterating over revolutions in Disk → Dump.
Internal FDC
- added optional calibration for unknown bad sectors (e.g. usually systematic copy-protection),
- fixed Options dialog (sometimes caused app crash),
- fixed recognition of 3.5" and 5.25" media by factoring in the index distance,
- fixed warning sign next to undetermined latencies.
- added optional calibration for unknown bad sectors (e.g. usually systematic copy-protection),
- improved synchronization with other parts of the app,
- fixed recognition of 3.5" and 5.25" media by factoring in the index distance,
- fixed rounding of floating-point numbers when compiled against legacy MFC 4.2 (these GitHub builds) - e.g.
is really not expected to be2
! - fixed verification.
Dumping (Disk → Dump)
- added help topic on creation of KryoFlux Stream files (and other devices added in the future),
- added warning on missing sectors in official geometry,
- improved responsiveness,
- fixed logic (nonexistent sector can't be accepted, only excluded from the track),
- fixed initialization of selected MRU device from the drop-down list,
- fixed iteration over non-dirty revolutions.
Track Viewer
- improved responsiveness,
- improved Scatter plot (menu, visuals, speed-up),
- fixed diff of revolutions (by adopting Google implementation of E.Myers's algoritm),
- fixed inspection window buffer overrun for Mark Ogden's decoder,
- fixed Disk → Open as command.
- added variable begin of Screen$ data in ZX Spectrum derivates,
- added information on capabilities of the Track Map tab; also improved responsiveness of its context menu,
- added context menu when no particular item is selected in File Manager,
- fixed visuals of PropertyGrid under Linux Wine,
- fixed and speeded-up hexa-browsing of disk (Disk → Browse); also fixed shortcuts,
- fixed working with corrupted MS-DOS directory.
Track viewer
- added traversal over revolutions for particular bit under cursor,
- fixed navigation between and visualization of fuzzy regions,
- fixed zooming at cursor position,
- fixed drawing of inspection windows,
- improved system of shortcuts.
Disk dumping
- added manual disk head calibration during dumping,
- improved and speeded up Full Track Analysis,
- improved dump reporting (cylinder range, app, version, some new warnings),
- fixed dialog.
ZX Spectrum
- added tape header browsing in hexa mode (File Manger → Directory → Browse in hexa mode),
- added commands to selectively show pixels and attributes in Screen$ preview,
- fixed DPI scaling of GKFM icons,
- fixed display of REM content as Z80 machine code,
- fixed working with bad or missing directory sectors (all Spectrum DOSes),
- fixed closing of the Z80 machine code preview when owning tape is being closed,
- fixed working with file import information (tape).
- added toolbar button to print a webpage (e.g. dump report),
- added context menu for items in the File Manager tab,
- added command to open disk without DOS (just blank sectors, via Disk → Open without DOS),
- added support for taskbar button progress indication in Windows 7 and newer,
- fixed determination of MS-DOS volume label,
- fixed concurrent access to the disk in Track Map tab,
- other minor fixes and improvements.
- fixed memory management in CAPS-based containers,
- fixed infinite loop in track full analysis (Disk → Dump),
- fixed recognition of MS-DOS disks,
- fixed crash if KryoFlux device not connected when wanting to work with it,
- fixed working with duplicated ID fields on internal FDD,
- fixed medium recognition for images that maintain track timing,
- fixed reading of data over index,
- fixed iterating over revolutions during a dump,
- fixed working with unrecognized media formats,
- fixed modalness of some dialogs.
- improved caching of tracks in Sector hexa-browser tab,
- improved concurrency in Sector hexa-browser tab (now more responsive),
- fixed remembering of scroll position in hexa-editors,
- fixed some messages,
- added deduction of side numbers during dump (so no need to set them manually for raw sector images, e.g. IMA),
- fixed navigation to particular sector or track,
- listing of Z80 instructions in Spectrum-based DOSes can now be re-based to custom origin (where possible).
- added detection and display of non-formatted areas, data in gaps, and fuzzy bits,
- added display of data Bytes (good, bad, and in-gaps),
- added evaluation of inspection windows (thresholding to OK/Bad),
- improved zooming in/out,
- fixed drawing.
Track Map
- added context menu with commands to browse track/sector contents.
Disk dumping
- added optional full track analysis (searching for non-formatted areas, data in gaps, and fuzzy bits),
- improved final report (now informing about results of the aforementioned full track analysis).
- improved speed of drawing,
- fixed scrolling,
- fixed deletion of data that aren't there (cosmetic).
Spectrum DOSes
- added missing MRU tapes support to BS-DOS, GDOS, and TR-DOS,
- fixed opening of SCL images if no TR-DOS in recognition sequence,
- fixed overwriting of DOS settings by MRU tape list,
- fixed ignoring of sector side numbers by TR-DOS.
- added manual settings of unstructured raw images (*.IMA, *.IMG, etc.),
- improved action dialogs ("What to do now?"),
- fixed saving of modified unstructured raw images (*.IMA, *.IMG, etc.),
- fixed working with multi-revolution tracks in IPF and CT-Raw images,
- fixed Myers' diff algorithm implementation,
- fixed reporting on missing boot sector in the Boot Sector tab.
1.6 "TNK"
Track Viewer
- added copy/pasting of current time, thus facilitating navigation in timeline,
- added Scatter Plot and Histogram views,
- fixed drawing,
- other minor fixes.
- improved UX of George K's File Manager settings dialog,
- added Byte hexa-display of GKFM "About" icon in PropertyGrid, allowing for editation and import of the icon,
- added management of GKFM "About" icon.
- added forward search to all hexa-editor instances,
- added command to pause/resume disk scanning when browsing a disk in hexa mode (Disk → Browse sectors),
- improved saving of containers, now in parallel thread to not freeze the app while hard working,
- improved the Dump to destination dialog and procedure,
- improved the FDD access options dialog to set up work with internal floppy drive,
- improved PropertyGrid (in Boot sector tab),
- fixed TDI crash.
And finally,
- updated FAQs (Help → FAQs).
Minor improvements, suggested by users, in
- Real devices dialog (now maintains last used drive and allows selecting it by a double-click),
- New image dialog (now allows selection of a container by double-clicking on it, and doesn't show a warning of missing CAPS library),
- DOS Recognition dialog (now paints fonts correctly on high-DPI screens),
- Open/Save file dialogs (now hints to the hyperlink at the bottom that leads to working with real devices),
- Access internal floppy drive (now eventually shows a warning sign next to the Double track distance checkbox),
- Spectrum line editor (now supports numeric pad keys),
- Tabbed-Document-Interface improvements.
- fixed determination of Gap3 for already formatted floppy,
- fixed determination if a 5.25" floppy has 40 or 80 cylinders,
- improved drawing in Track Viewer (accessible from Track Map tab for IPF and CT-RAW images),
- added information on a new version of RIDE in its introductory guidepost.