Releases: tomas-nestorovic/RIDE
Releases · tomas-nestorovic/RIDE
- added solution to Issue #6 on browsing sectors in hexa-mode with various commands to navigate between (or select) individual sectors, tracks, and cylinders,
- added support for bookmarks in all instances of the hexa-editor,
- added automatic pre-selection of "typical" container for each DOS (e.g., D80 for MDOS, or MGT for GDOS, etc.),
- improved creation of new image when selected DOS is not among automatically recognized ones (Image → Recognition),
- added display of dates of creation, reading, and last modification dates of MS-DOS files; these dates can also be modified or removed altogether,
- speeded-up reading of some copy-protected sectors on a floppy,
- the File Manager now automatically scrolls to the file(s) last worked with,
- added possibility to open an image by double-clicking on the empty (gray) workspace,
- added possibility to reset (selected parts of) directory entries under File Manager → Directory → Browse in hexa mode,
- fixed closing of a tab that is not currently switched to,
- fixed navigation one page up or down in all hexa-editor instances,
- fixed determination of formatted sides on a floppy,
- other minor fixes.
- added browsing of directory entries in hexa-mode (under "File Manager → Directory → Browse in hexa mode")
- volume label of MDOS, TR-DOS and GDOS is now modified as a Spectrum command line, enabling to write in keywords like RANDOMIZE or STOP in a single Byte
- when importing files "which look like an image" (e.g. Mirror.trd), the application offers to open them in its new instance instead of importing them; the same the applies for Spectrum tapes (e.g. Cyberun.tap) which are offered to be opened in a new tab in the same instance
- added possibility to import to zeroth track of TR-DOS disks (under "TR-DOS → Import to system track") if disk is empty, with all risks that accompany the system track
- hexa-editor can now display erroneous data (in red) and can cope with no-data sectors (e.g. if sector really not found)
- Spectrum files checksum is now evaluated if correct (green checkmark) or incorrect (red cross)
- many, many fixes to improve the stability of the application after many, many modifications in previous version 1.4.5
- fixed application crash when attempting to accept a value via PropertyGrid
- fixed uninitialized content of sectors after formatting without verification
- speeded-up working with real floppy drive (however, I'm keeping Issue #14 still open, just in case)
- fixed formatting of yet never formatted 2DD floppies
- added all remaining MS-DOS FAT12/FAT16 boot sector values to the Boot Sector tab; values of FAT32 boot sector added just partially (will be added over time)
- added support for CygnusBoot 2.2.3 to the TR-DOS Boot Sector tab
- fixed enabling/disabling of the PropertyGrid (using the "Image → Write protected" switch) while item editing in progress
- added support for Proxima's UniRUN to the MDOS Boot Sector tab
- other minor improvements which you might not notice
- updated on-line FAQs (under "Help → FAQs")
1.4.5 RC2
- fixed displaying of ZX "Screen$" image for files larger than 6912 Bytes
- added possibility to zoom ZX "Screen$" image using mouse wheel in combination with Ctrl key
- fixed processing of mouse wheel when HexaEditor disabled (now its content can be scrolled using mouse wheel)
- added possibility to unselect everything in HexaEditor if clicked outside of its content
1.4.5 RC1
- removed duplicated setting of formatted track verification (left only the one in the "FDD access options" dialog)
- speeded-up real floppy formatting (by at least two disk revolutions) (!)
- added a "Medium already formatted (thus reformat just bad tracks)" check-box into the "Dump to destination" dialog; if checked and the destination is the floppy drive, the target floppy won't be formatted but will be just written to (similarly as with the "--no-format" switch in SamDisk); if it can't be written to a track, RIDE reformats the track and reattempts to write to it; if without success even after three automatic attempts, a Retry-Ignore-Abort dialog pops up
- added possibility to report bugs directly from within the application, using the "Help → Report a bug" command
- added indication of which version of TR-DOS is being used in the bottom right corner of the File Manager (similarly as with MDOS)
- changed intersector Gap3 for TR-DOS formats from 54 Bytes to 32 Bytes (for all sectors to always fit in the track)
- relaxed some conditions of MS-DOS floppy recognition (motivation: some Czech titles violate the official FAT standard, however Windows even so recognizes them well; none of the relaxed conditions is critical)
- added mouse wheel support in all instances of the HexaEditor and in ZX "Screen$" preview
- fixed concurrent access to images if dumping/patching while switched to the Track Map tab
- added displaying of ZX-BASIC program runtime variables listed right below the BASIC, thus under the " → Show as BASIC program" command
- added default values for the "Creator" value in *.DSK images, see "Image → Options"
Fixed one small but important bug - random geometry of unrecognizable raw image in "Unknown DOS" (of course uninitialized variable was the cause).
- added possibility to show a Spectrum file as a BASIC program listing (using Ctrl+K); it's also possible to show non-printable characters (e.g. "injected" machine code); furthermore, it's possible to show the five-Byte internal numeric form prefixed by 0x14
- added and improved descriptions of individual menu items
- added editable "Creator" field for DSK images (formerly always set to empty string, now by default set to "RIDE ")
- added reflection on the CapsLock key when editing Spectrum file name (the "C" cursor was missing until now)
- added possibility to create a new record of George K's File Manager in MDOS' disk boot sector (plus the possibility to import GKFM's binary directly from an online resource)
- fixed editability of PropertyGrid when the image is "write-protected"
- modified opening of SCL images; newly, a SCL image is opened by the first TR-DOS in the recognition sequence (assumed this is the TR-DOS that the user wants to primarily work with)
- added TR-DOS 5.05, having 10 characters in disk label
- added worker thread priority for dump and patch actions (the "Real-time thread priority" check-box in corresponding dialogs)
1.4.4 RC1
- fixed formatting of a track to zero sectors (aka. another form of "unformatting" a track)
- fixed media list when dumping: if the source medium is recognized as a floppy, the target media list contains ANY floppy types (DD/HD)
- improved drawing in the Track Map (faster)
- added support for ZX Spectrum tape "fragments"
- added editable "Checksum" column to the ZX Spectrum tape File Manager
- changed valid file sizes of ZX Spectrum tape files from 0 to 65525 Bytes (before was 1 to 49152)
- fixed marking of TRDOS boot sector as dirty after some of "Advanced" values has been modified in the Boot Sector tab
untagged-460679192003e5747e67 Initial commit