Download the build script (NAnt\ and put in a folder inside your app in a folder called "Build".
Create 3 descriptor files in your app root, one for each location the app will exist or be deployed to. They must have these names (conventions!).
- descriptor.xml - the version of the app that your developing in your current apps folder on your dev machine. This will have the test-app tag in it. eg App Id = greatboxee.myvids
- descriptor.beta.xml - the version of the app that will be deployed to your custom repository eg App Id = greatboxee-beta.myvids
- - the version of the app that will be deployed to the official Boxee repository eg App Id = myvids
Full details here on how to use the packaging script
The Examples folder contains a full working example.
NB This is the NAnt version of the packaging script. There's also a Rake version in the Boxee Boilerplate
A photoshop template for creating app thumbnails. With a sash for each environment type (dev, beta etc) to distinguish between the environments the app is from.