Spatiotemporal Laplacian-enhanced low-rank tensor learning for large-scale traffic speed kriging with missing data
This is the code repository for our paper 'Correlating sparse sensing for large-scale traffic speed estimation: A Laplacian-enhanced low-rank tensor kriging approach' that is published on Transportation Research Part C. The preprint version is available at arXiv.
Traffic speed is central to characterizing the fluidity of the road network. Many transportation applications rely on it, such as real-time navigation, dynamic route planning, and congestion management. However, due to sparse deployment of static sensors or low penetration of mobile sensors, speeds detected are incomplete and far from network-wide use. In addition, sensors are prone to error or missing data due to various kinds of reasons, speeds from these sensors can become highly noisy. These drawbacks call for effective techniques to recover credible estimates from the incomplete data. In this repository we demonstrated a Laplacian-enhanced low-rank tensor completion (LETC) framework featuring both low-rankness and multi-dimensional correlations for large-scale traffic speed kriging under limited observations. To this end, two challenges are considered in this work:
- Sparse sensor coverage: only limited road links or locations are equipped with loop detectors;
- Corrupted data measurements: records at measured locations usually contain missing data at arbitrary time points or even entire time intervals.
We adopt the large-scale PeMS-4W data to demonstrate how to implement LETC model to perform kriging with missing data imputation.
- PeMS-4W: Large-scale traffic speed data measured by 11160 static sensors from the performance measurement system in California. The first four weeks of loop speed data with a 5-min window is pre-processed and available at zenodo.
Load graph information (first unzip the .7z
def load_graph_data(pkl_filename):
sensor_ids, sensor_id_to_ind, adj_mx = load_pickle(pkl_filename)
return sensor_ids, sensor_id_to_ind, adj_mx
def load_pickle(pickle_file):
with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as f:
pickle_data = pickle.load(f)
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as f:
pickle_data = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1')
except Exception as e:
print('Unable to load data ', pickle_file, ':', e)
return pickle_data
sid, sind, adj = load_graph_data('dataset/pems/adj_mat.pkl')
Prepare tensors and inject missing observations as well as unobserved links:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data_raw = pd.read_csv('dataset/pems/pems-4w.csv', header = None)
speed_mat = data_raw.values.T
The prepared spatiotemporal speed matrix is in the shape of time point
We resort to the low-rank tensor completion (LRTC) model to achieve full-scale traffic speed recovery. However, LRTC is hard to achieve kriging with low-rank assumption only. In our paper, we enhance LRTC with three Laplacian-induced correlations, i.e., temporal periodicity (periodic Laplacian), temporal continuity (circulant Laplacian), and spatial proximity (diffusion Laplacian).
Our model is based on a consise NumPy
implementation on CPU devices, which is also applicable with CuPy
on a GPU device. Some key operations are discussed as below:
Randomized singular value decomposition:
def power_iteration(AA, Omega, power_iter = 1):
Y = AA @ Omega
for q in range(power_iter):
Y = AA @ (AA.T @ Y)
Q, _ = np.linalg.qr(Y)
return Q
def rsvd(mat, Omega):
A = mat.copy()
Q = power_iteration(A, Omega)
B = Q.T @ A
u_tilde, s, v = np.linalg.svd(B, full_matrices = 0)
u = Q @ u_tilde
return u, s, v
Conjugate gradient method:
def update_cg(var, r, q, Aq, rold):
alpha = rold / np.inner(q, Aq)
var = var + alpha * q
r = r - alpha * Aq
rnew = np.inner(r, r)
q = r + (rnew / rold) * q
return var, r, q, rnew
def ell_z(Z,Lc2,Lr2,rc,rr,mu):
ell_z = rc*Z@Lc2 + rr*Lr2@Z +mu*Z
return ell_z
def conj_grad_Z(C,Z,Lc2,Lr2,rc,rr,mu,maxiter = 3):
dim1, dim2 = Z.shape
z = np.reshape(Z, -1, order = 'F')
r = np.reshape(C - ell_z(Z,Lc2,Lr2,rc,rr,mu), -1, order = 'F')
q = r.copy()
rold = np.inner(r, r)
for it in range(maxiter):
Q = np.reshape(q, (dim1, dim2), order = 'F')
Aq = np.reshape(ell_z(Q,Lc2,Lr2,rc,rr,mu), -1, order = 'F')
z, r, q, rold = update_cg(z, r, q, Aq, rold)
return np.reshape(z, (dim1, dim2), order = 'F')
Graph Fourier transform:
def cal_graph_operator(L):
eigenvalues,eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(L)
inds = np.argsort(eigenvalues)
U = eigenvectors[:,inds]
return U
def GFT(tensor, U):
return np.einsum('kt, ijk -> ijt', U, tensor) #mode-3 product
def iGFT(tensor, U):
return np.einsum('kt, ijt -> ijk', U, tensor) #mode-3 product(transpose)
basic tensor operations:
def TensorFromMat(mat,dim):
#Construct a 3D tensor from a matrix
days_slice = [(start_i,start_i + dim[0]) for start_i in list(range(0,dim[0]*dim[2],dim[0]))]
array_list = []
for day_slice in days_slice:
start_i,end_i = day_slice[0],day_slice[1]
array_slice = mat[start_i:end_i,:]
tensor3d = np.array(np.stack(array_list,axis = 0))
tensor3d = np.moveaxis(tensor3d,0,-1)
return tensor3d
def Tensor2Mat(tensor):
#convert a tensor into a matrix by flattening the 'day' mode to 'time interval'.
for k in range(np.shape(tensor)[-1]):
if k == 0:
stacked = np.vstack(tensor[:,:,k])
stacked = np.vstack((stacked,tensor[:,:,k]))
return stacked
def construct_Laplacian(adj):
degree = np.diag(np.sum(adj,axis=1))
temp = degree-adj
if np.allclose(temp,temp.transpose()):
Lap = temp.copy()
print('Error Construction')
Lap = None
return Lap
Tensor singular value thresholding:
def tsvt_gft(tensor, Ug, ta,Omg,is_rsvd):
dim = tensor.shape
X = np.zeros(dim)
tensor = GFT(tensor, Ug)
for t in range(dim[2]):
if is_rsvd==True:
u, s, v = rsvd(tensor[:, :, t].T, Omg)
r = len(np.where(s > ta)[0])
if r >= 1:
s = s[: r]
s[: r] = s[: r] - ta
X[:, :, t] = (u[:, :r] @ np.diag(s) @ v[:r, :]).T
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(tensor[:, :, t], full_matrices = False)
r = len(np.where(s > ta)[0])
if r >= 1:
s = s[: r]
s[: r] = s[: r] - ta
X[:, :, t] = u[:, : r] @ np.diag(s) @ v[: r, :]
return iGFT(X, Ug)
Performing kriging on the California sensor network. We provide a toy example to demonstrate how to implement our model in this notebook.
Road network can be visualized using geopandas
from dataset/pems/shape_files
Not limited to traffic data, LETC model can be applied to any customized or private spatiotemporal datasets (with a pre-defined graph) for missing data imputation or kriging!
Please cite our paper if this repo helps your research.
title={Correlating sparse sensing for large-scale traffic speed estimation: A Laplacian-enhanced low-rank tensor kriging approach},
author={Nie, Tong and Qin, Guoyang and Wang, Yunpeng and Sun, Jian},
journal={Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies},
Tong Nie, Guoyang Qin, Yunpeng Wang, and Jian Sun (2023). Towards better traffic volume estimation: Tackling both underdetermined and non-equilibrium problems via a correlation-adaptive graph convolution network. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.05660. [Preprint] [Code]
Tong Nie, Guoyang Qin, Yunpeng Wang, and Jian Sun (2023). Correlating sparse sensing for large-scale traffic speed estimation: A Laplacian-enhanced low-rank tensor kriging approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 152, 104190, [Preprint] [DOI] [Code]
Tong Nie, Guoyang Qin, and Jian Sun (2022). Truncated tensor Schatten p-norm based approach for spatiotemporal traffic data imputation with complicated missing patterns. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 141, 103737, [Preprint] [DOI] [Code]
This work is released under the MIT license.