Title: Connect Four
Deployed link: https://tosin-awosika-c4.netlify.app/
Description: Connect Four is a two-player board game, in which each player picks a colored disc, and then takes turn placing them into a 6 by 7 grid. The first player to horizontally, vertically, or diagonally line up 4 of their discs in the row wins the game. A tie only can occur once all 42 spots have filled, with no color being shown 4 times in a row in any direction.
Step 1. Select a name for player 1
Step 2. Select a name for player 2
Step 3. Player 1, place your colored disc on any of the remaining spots on the grid
Step 4. Player 2, place your colored disc on any of the remaining spots on the grid
Step 4. Whoever has placed four tiles in any direction should win. (Unless there's a tie, in which case you should reset the game and try again!)
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Next steps: Implementing a dark mode, adding a leaderboard functionality, adding ability to switch colored pieces to different colors (ie yellow and red)