Use our all-in-one solution for your business. No matter if booking calendar, travel modules or files. Typisch Touristik Midoffice allows you to manage your entire online business in one system.
The preferred way to install the for Node.js is to use the npm package manager for Node.js. Simply type the following into a terminal window:
npm install @typischtouristik/midoffice-api --save
Initialize with your credentials:
var api = require('@typischtouristik/midoffice-api')({
url: '',
auth: {
key: 'your-key-provided-by-midoffice-io',
secret: 'your-secret-provided-by-midoffice-io'
Do request to a specific endpoint:
api.request('/api/travels/' + travelsId).then(function (data) {
// do sth. with your data