CycleGAN, and its incremental improvement
This is a simple PyTorch implementation of CycleGAN and a study of its incremental improvements.
Figure 1: Training progress of CycleGAN with Global and Patch Discriminator on image resolution 1024x256
CycleGAN provided a huge insight into the idea of cycle-consistency for domain adaptation. It initially proposed using a cycle-consistency loss combined with the adversarial loss to ensure that domain-translated image looks realistic while maintaining forward and backward consistency of the image. This was a great help towards solving the mode collapse problem and it also maintains the shape of objects within scene. The discriminator was proposed to output a single fake/real prediction, which since then have been proposed to be replaced with a patch discriminator. Patch discriminator looks at a small patch of the generator, say 16x16 patch, and classifies it as real/fake. This forces the generator to get the domain translation right down to smaller scale.
This works great for an image of say size 256x256, as shown in Figure 2, but have several failure cases when extended to a higher resolution image with different aspect ratio e.g. 1024x256. To counter that, I use two discriminators - (1) Global Discriminator with a single output, and (2) Patch Discriminator of size 64x16 for classifying patches of 16x16 as real/fake. This architecture is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 2: Training progress of CycleGAN with a patch discriminator on image resolution 256x256
Figure 3: CycleGAN with Global and Patch Discriminator
Qualitative comparision of CycleGAN result on an image resolution of 1024x256 for the architecture with only Patch Discriminator and the one with a combination of Patch Discriminator and Global Discriminator is shown below.
Figure 4: Qualitative Comparision
- A combination of Patch Discriminator and Global Discriminator is used.
- Different Learning Rate is used for Generator and Discriminator. Discriminator uses a lower learning rate.
- Discriminator's learning is disabled during the training of Generator.
- Leaky Relu with a negative slope of 0.2 is used in Generator, but ReLU is used in Discriminator.
- Instance Normalization is used.
- Output of the Generator is clamped to output a value between [-0.5, 0.5].
- Results and model architecture are shown for image resolution of 1024x256.
Figure 5: Training and Validation Losses
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
Conv2d-1 [-1, 64, 128, 512] 3,072
InstanceNorm2d-2 [-1, 64, 128, 512] 0
LeakyReLU-3 [-1, 64, 128, 512] 0
Conv2d-4 [-1, 128, 64, 256] 131,072
InstanceNorm2d-5 [-1, 128, 64, 256] 0
LeakyReLU-6 [-1, 128, 64, 256] 0
Conv2d-7 [-1, 256, 32, 128] 524,288
InstanceNorm2d-8 [-1, 256, 32, 128] 0
LeakyReLU-9 [-1, 256, 32, 128] 0
Conv2d-10 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 1,048,576
InstanceNorm2d-11 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 0
LeakyReLU-12 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 0
Conv2d-13 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 589,824
InstanceNorm2d-14 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 0
LeakyReLU-15 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 0
Conv2d-16 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 589,824
InstanceNorm2d-17 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 0
ResidualBlock-18 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 0
Conv2d-19 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 589,824
InstanceNorm2d-20 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 0
LeakyReLU-21 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 0
Conv2d-22 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 589,824
InstanceNorm2d-23 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 0
ResidualBlock-24 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 0
ConvTranspose2d-25 [-1, 256, 32, 128] 1,048,576
InstanceNorm2d-26 [-1, 256, 32, 128] 0
LeakyReLU-27 [-1, 256, 32, 128] 0
ConvTranspose2d-28 [-1, 128, 64, 256] 524,288
InstanceNorm2d-29 [-1, 128, 64, 256] 0
LeakyReLU-30 [-1, 128, 64, 256] 0
ConvTranspose2d-31 [-1, 64, 128, 512] 131,072
InstanceNorm2d-32 [-1, 64, 128, 512] 0
LeakyReLU-33 [-1, 64, 128, 512] 0
ConvTranspose2d-34 [-1, 3, 256, 1024] 3,072
Total params: 5,773,312
Trainable params: 5,773,312
Non-trainable params: 0
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
Conv2d-1 [-1, 64, 128, 512] 3,072
Conv2d-2 [-1, 128, 64, 256] 131,072
InstanceNorm2d-3 [-1, 128, 64, 256] 0
Conv2d-4 [-1, 256, 32, 128] 524,288
InstanceNorm2d-5 [-1, 256, 32, 128] 0
Conv2d-6 [-1, 512, 16, 64] 2,097,152
InstanceNorm2d-7 [-1, 512, 16, 64] 0
Conv2d-8 [-1, 1, 16, 64] 4,608
Total params: 2,760,192
Trainable params: 2,760,192
Non-trainable params: 0
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
Conv2d-1 [-1, 64, 128, 512] 3,072
Conv2d-2 [-1, 128, 64, 256] 131,072
InstanceNorm2d-3 [-1, 128, 64, 256] 0
Conv2d-4 [-1, 256, 32, 128] 524,288
InstanceNorm2d-5 [-1, 256, 32, 128] 0
Conv2d-6 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 1,048,576
InstanceNorm2d-7 [-1, 256, 16, 64] 0
Conv2d-8 [-1, 256, 8, 32] 1,048,576
InstanceNorm2d-9 [-1, 256, 8, 32] 0
Conv2d-10 [-1, 256, 4, 16] 1,048,576
InstanceNorm2d-11 [-1, 256, 4, 16] 0
Conv2d-12 [-1, 256, 2, 8] 1,048,576
InstanceNorm2d-13 [-1, 256, 2, 8] 0
Conv2d-14 [-1, 256, 1, 4] 1,048,576
InstanceNorm2d-15 [-1, 256, 1, 4] 0
Flatten-16 [-1, 1024] 0
Linear-17 [-1, 64] 65,600
Linear-18 [-1, 1] 65
Total params: 5,966,977
Trainable params: 5,966,977
Non-trainable params: 0