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This package contains contracts written on Lorentz - Haskell eDSL for Michelson contracts, including a Multisig Wrapper contract.

It also contains CLI interfaces for working with Lorentz contracts:

  • lorentz-contract: list and export supported contracts to Michelson
  • lorentz-contract-param: generate Michelson contract parameters
  • lorentz-contract-storage: generate Michelson initial storage values


Use Pre-Built Binaries

Note: Check for latest release versions and assign shell variable accordingly:


Linux (64-bit)

tar -xvf lorentz-contract-param-${RELEASE}-linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz
export PATH=$PWD/lorentz-contract-param-${RELEASE}-linux-x86_64-static/:$PATH

Mac OS

With Homebrew:

brew tap tqtezos/homebrew-tq
brew install tezos

Note: Pre-built binaries are available for tezos and lorentz-contract-param on some platforms, otherwise they will be built from source. See Bintray for more detail. If you have previously installed lorentz-contract-param with brew and are unable to upgrade lorentz-contract-param past version, use brew untap tqtezos/tq && brew uninstall lorentz-contract-param and then follow all steps above again.

or use binaries from Releases:

tar -xvf lorentz-contract-param-${RELEASE}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PWD/lorentz-contract-param-${RELEASE}-darwin-x86_64/:$PATH


Install Docker, then

docker pull tqtezos/lorentz-contract-param
alias lorentz-contract="docker run lorentz-contract-param lorentz-contract"
alias lorentz-contract-storage="docker run lorentz-contract-param lorentz-contract-storage"
alias lorentz-contract-param="docker run lorentz-contract-param lorentz-contract-param"


Use Docker instructions above or install one of Linux distributions using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and follow instructions for Linux.

Build From Source

Note: this package requires stack 1.9.3 and does not compile with the latest version (2.1.3 at the moment of this writing).

First install build pre-requisites, required version of stack and GMP library:


sudo apt install git build-essential libgmp-dev
tar -xvf stack-1.9.3-linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:~/stack-1.9.3-linux-x86_64-static/:~/.local/bin

Mac OS:

brew install gmp
tar -xvf stack-1.9.3-osx-x86_64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:~/stack-1.9.3-osx-x86_64.tar.gz/:~/.local/bin


git clone
cd lorentz-contract-param/
stack install


Following examples use tezos-client. Follow these instructions to install and point it to a public testnet node if you are not running your own.

Examples also use the following convenience functions to read pubic and private keys stored with tezos-client:

get_public_key() {tezos-client show address $1 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 3}
get_secret_key() {tezos-client show address $1 -S 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1 | cut -d ":" -f 3}
❯❯❯ lorentz-contract print --name "GenericMultisigContract223" --oneline | wc -c

❯❯❯ lorentz-contract-storage GenericMultisigContract223 --threshold 1 --signerKeyPairs "[[\"$(get_public_key alice)\", \"$(get_public_key bob)\"]]"                                             $
Pair 0 (Pair 1 { Pair "edpkvCHgVArnZo9RTP4P6euLTyhE89u73CYjBgsP4wEJbj4quao9oR" "edpkuPTVBFtbYd6gZWryXypSYYq6g7FvyucwphoU78T1vmGkbhj6qb" })
❮❮❮ lorentz-contract-param GenericMultisigContract223-operation --contractAddress $DSTOKEN_ADDRESS --counter 0 --operation "{ DROP; NIL operation }" --signerKeyPairs "[[\"$(get_public_key alice)\", \"$(get_public_key bob)\"]]"
Writing parameter to file: "GenericMultisigContract223_0_9YfhzjTTDiXqiNB9KeuQLYUQNX9oCkTAtfEVM7JYZNeHm1vHM.json"
❯❯❯ tezos-client --wait none originate contract Multisig223 \
  transferring 0 from $ALICE_ADDRESS running \
  "$(lorentz-contract print --name GenericMultisigContract223)" \
  --init "$(lorentz-contract-storage GenericMultisigContract223 \
  --threshold 1 --signerKeyPairs \
  "[[\"$(get_public_key alice)\", \"$(get_public_key bob)\"]]")" \
  --burn-cap 1.113

                 This is NOT the Tezos Mainnet.

     The node you are connecting to claims to be running on the
               Tezos Alphanet DEVELOPMENT NETWORK.
          Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.
          Alphanet is a testing network, with free tokens.

Waiting for the node to be bootstrapped before injection...
Current head: BKqBq8AXo3PM (timestamp: 2019-11-27T17:39:46-00:00, validation: 2019-11-27T17:47:56-00:00)
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Estimated gas: 31935 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: 1113 bytes added (will add 20 for safety)
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is 'opapj7fSQ84AJ9bLJJPYQWyRuv5Gyn8w3Qf5Dh9ECAhKwpcc6qA'
NOT waiting for the operation to be included.
Use command
  tezos-client wait for opapj7fSQ84AJ9bLJJPYQWyRuv5Gyn8w3Qf5Dh9ECAhKwpcc6qA to be included --confirmations 30 --branch BKqBq8AXo3PMgQzChWbJe1dVLepnAJdd5dEX1sxmBxigTpNLusT
and/or an external block explorer to make sure that it has been included.
This sequence of operations was run:
  Manager signed operations:
    From: tz1R3vJ5TV8Y5pVj8dicBR23Zv8JArusDkYr
    Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.004332
    Expected counter: 30650
    Gas limit: 32035
    Storage limit: 1133 bytes
    Balance updates:
      tz1R3vJ5TV8Y5pVj8dicBR23Zv8JArusDkYr ............ -ꜩ0.004332
      fees(tz1Ke2h7sDdakHJQh8WX4Z372du1KChsksyU,52) ... +ꜩ0.004332
      From: tz1R3vJ5TV8Y5pVj8dicBR23Zv8JArusDkYr
      Credit: ꜩ0
        { parameter
            (or unit
                (pair (pair nat (or (lambda unit (list operation)) (pair nat (list (pair key key)))))
                      (list (option (pair signature signature))))) ;
          storage (pair nat (pair nat (list (pair key key)))) ;
          code { DUP ;
                 CAR ;
                 DIP { CDR } ;
                   { DROP ; NIL operation ; PAIR }
                   { PUSH mutez 0 ;
                     AMOUNT ;
                     COMPARE ;
                     EQ ;
                     IF {}
                        { PUSH string
                               "Some tokens were sent to this contract outside of the default entry point." ;
                          FAILWITH } ;
                     SWAP ;
                     DUP ;
                     DIP { SWAP } ;
                     DIP { DUP ;
                           CAR ;
                           DIP { CDR } ;
                           DUP ;
                           SELF ;
                           ADDRESS ;
                           PAIR ;
                           PACK ;
                           DIP { DUP ; CAR ; DIP { CDR } ; DIP { SWAP } } ;
                           SWAP } ;
                     DUP ;
                     CAR ;
                     DIP { CDR } ;
                     DIP { SWAP } ;
                     COMPARE ;
                     EQ ;
                     IF {} { PUSH string "Counters do not match." ; FAILWITH } ;
                     DIP { SWAP } ;
                     DUP ;
                     CAR ;
                     DIP { CDR } ;
                     DIP { PUSH nat 0 ;
                           SWAP ;
                           ITER { DIP { SWAP } ;
                                  SWAP ;
                                    { IF_NONE
                                        { SWAP ; DROP }
                                        { SWAP ;
                                          DIP { SWAP ;
                                                DIP { DIP { DIP { DUP } ; SWAP } } ;
                                                DIP { DIP { DUP } ; SWAP } ;
                                                SWAP ;
                                                DIP { PAIR ;
                                                      DUP ;
                                                      DIP { DUP ;
                                                            CAR ;
                                                            DIP { CDR } ;
                                                            CAR ;
                                                            DIP { CAR ; DIP { DUP } } ;
                                                            CHECK_SIGNATURE } ;
                                                      SWAP ;
                                                      DIP { DUP ; CAR ; DIP { CDR } ; CDR ; DIP { CDR } ; CHECK_SIGNATURE } ;
                                                      AND } ;
                                                SWAP ;
                                                IF { DROP } { FAILWITH } ;
                                                PUSH nat 1 ;
                                                ADD } } }
                                    { FAILWITH } ;
                                  SWAP } } ;
                     COMPARE ;
                     LE ;
                     IF {} { PUSH string "Quorum not present" ; FAILWITH } ;
                     IF_CONS { FAILWITH } {} ;
                     DROP ;
                     DIP { DUP ; CAR ; DIP { CDR } ; PUSH nat 1 ; ADD ; PAIR } ;
                       { SWAP ; DIP { UNIT ; EXEC } ; SWAP }
                       { DIP { CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; NIL operation } ;
                     PAIR } } }
        Initial storage:
          (Pair 0
                (Pair 1
                      { Pair "edpkvCHgVArnZo9RTP4P6euLTyhE89u73CYjBgsP4wEJbj4quao9oR"
                             "edpkuPTVBFtbYd6gZWryXypSYYq6g7FvyucwphoU78T1vmGkbhj6qb" }))
        No delegate for this contract
        This origination was successfully applied
        Originated contracts:
        Storage size: 856 bytes
        Paid storage size diff: 856 bytes
        Consumed gas: 31935
        Balance updates:
          tz1R3vJ5TV8Y5pVj8dicBR23Zv8JArusDkYr ... -ꜩ0.856
          tz1R3vJ5TV8Y5pVj8dicBR23Zv8JArusDkYr ... -ꜩ0.257

New contract KT1HgbHu8EaK8oKL8JoSmjVBknoMWK4VYyxP originated.
Contract memorized as Multisig223.

Make an alias for the contract's address:


Make a new parameter file:

❯❯❯ lorentz-contract-param GenericMultisigContract223-operation \
  --contractAddress $MULTISIG223_ADDRESS --counter 0 --operation \
  "{ DROP; NIL operation }" --signerKeyPairs \
  "[[\"$(get_public_key alice)\", \"$(get_public_key bob)\"]]"

Writing parameter to file: "GenericMultisigContract223_0_9YfhzjTTDiXqiNB9KeuQLYUQNX9oCkTAtfEVM7JYZNeHm1vHM.json"

The parameter is { DROP; NIL operation }: a lambda that does nothing.

Make an alias for the parameter file:


Then alice and bob can sign the file (in any order):

❯❯❯ lorentz-contract-param MultisigSignFile \
  --secretKey "$(get_secret_key alice)" --publicKey "[\"$(get_public_key alice)\", \"$(get_public_key bob)\"]" --signerFile $MULTISIG_PARAMETER_FILE
Writing parameter to file: "GenericMultisigContract223_0_9YfhzjTTDiXqiNB9KeuQLYUQNX9oCkTAtfEVM7JYZNeHm1vHM.json"

❯❯❯ lorentz-contract-param MultisigSignFile \
  --secretKey "$(get_secret_key bob)" --publicKey "[\"$(get_public_key alice)\", \"$(get_public_key bob)\"]" --signerFile $MULTISIG_PARAMETER_FILE
Writing parameter to file: "GenericMultisigContract223_0_9YfhzjTTDiXqiNB9KeuQLYUQNX9oCkTAtfEVM7JYZNeHm1vHM.json"

Attempting to re-sign the file fails:

❯❯❯ lorentz-contract-param MultisigSignFile \
  --secretKey "$(get_secret_key bob)" --publicKey "[\"$(get_public_key alice)\", \"$(get_public_key bob)\"]" --signerFile $MULTISIG_PARAMETER_FILE
Writing parameter to file: "GenericMultisigContract223_0_9YfhzjTTDiXqiNB9KeuQLYUQNX9oCkTAtfEVM7JYZNeHm1vHM.json"
signMultisigSignersFile: expected partial signature but got complete signature
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at param-app/Multisig.hs:276:19 in main:Multisig

Finally, the signed file may be submitted to the contract:

❯❯❯ tezos-client --wait none transfer 0 from $ALICE_ADDRESS to $MULTISIG223_ADDRESS \
 --arg "$(cat $MULTISIG_PARAMETER_FILE | lorentz-contract-param \
 MultisigSignersFile --signerFiles "")" --burn-cap 0.000001