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Research Compendium for the paper on SSFA comparison


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Ivan Calandra 2022-12-13 16:21:52


This repository contains the data and code for the paper:

Calandra I, Bob K, Merceron G, Blateyron F, Hildebrandt A, Schulz-Kornas E, Souron A & Winkler DE (2022). Surface texture analysis in Toothfrax and MountainsMap® SSFA module: Different software packages, different results? Peer Community Journal 2: e77.


How to cite

Please cite this compendium as:

Calandra I, Bob K, Merceron G, Blateyron F, Hildebrandt A, Schulz-Kornas E, Souron A & Winkler DE (2022). Compendium of code and data for Surface texture analysis in Toothfrax and MountainsMap® SSFA module: Different software packages, different results? Online at



This file has been created by rendering the README.Rmd file.

The DESCRIPTION file contains information about the version, author, license and packages. For details on the license, see the and LICENSE files.

The SSFAcomparisonPaper.Rproj file is the RStudio project file.

The R_analysis directory contains all files related to the R analysis. It is composed of the following folders:

The scripts directory contains the following files:

The Python_analysis directory contains all files related to the Python analysis. It is composed of the following folders and files:

  • 📁 code: notebooks, custom Python library and associated files. See below for details.
  • 📁 derived_data: output of the pre-processing and of the 3 analyses notebooks. See below for details.
  • 📁 plots: plots of the 3 models, saved as PDF files. See below for details.
  • requirements.txt: list of used Python packages and their specific versions.
  • description of how to run the Docker image of the Python analysis.

The code folder contains the following files:

  • *.ipynb files: notebooks, rendered to HTML (*.html) and MD (*.md) files.
  • The sub-folders (Statistical_Model_*_files/) contain the PNG images of the rendered MD files.
  • custom Python library with mainly functions for plotting and other auxiliary functions.

The derived_data folder contains the following files, organized in sub-folders for each model:

  • *.dat files: pre-processed raw data, used as input to the models.
  • *.pkl files: Serialized model object and traces of the statistical models.
  • *.npy files (two-factor model only): parameter samples for some model parameters from the run of the two factor model for epLsar.
  • *_hdi_*.csv: 95% high probability density intervals of the contrasts in table form and CSV format.
  • *_summary_*.csv: summary of the results in table form and CSV format.

The plots folder contains the following files, organized in sub-folders for each model:

  • *_contrast_*.pdf files: contrast plots of ConfoMap vs. Toothfrax from the three-factor model.
  • *_posterior_b_*.pdf files: distribution of posteriors.
  • *_posterior_forest_*.pdf files: plots of model parameter distributions and their HDIs, effective sample sizes (ess) and r_hat statistic.
  • *_posterior_pair_*.pdf files: plots of joint distributions of model parameters.
  • *_posterior_parallel_*.pdf files: plots of sampled posterior points. Used for checking sampling reliability.
  • *_prior_posterior_*.pdf files: prior and posterior distributions of the model parameters.
  • *_prior_predictive_*.pdf files: prior-predictive plots of the surface parameters.
  • *_prior_posterior_predictive_*.pdf files: prior and posterior-predictive plots of the surface parameters.
  • *_trace_*.pdf files: trace plots.
  • *_treatment_diff_*.pdf files: Contrast plots of treatment pairs that differ between the software packages.
  • *_treatment_pairs_*.pdf files: Contrast plots of treatment pairs for ConfoMap and Toothfrax from the two-factor and NewEplsar models.

Note that the HTML files are not rendered nicely on GitHub; you need to download them and open them with your browser. Use the MD files to view on GitHub. However, MD files do not have all functionalities of HTML files (numbered sections, floating table of content). I therefore recommend using the HTML files.
To download an HTML file from GitHub, first display the “raw” file and then save it as HTML.

Alternatively, use GitHub & BitBucket HTML Preview to render it directly.
Here are direct links to display the files directly in your browser:

The renv.lock file is the lockfile describing the state of the R project’s library. It is associated to the activation script and the R project’s library. All these files have been created using the package renv.

The Dockerfile contains the instruction to build the Docker image for the Python analysis. See section How to run in your browser or download and run locally for details.

See the section Contributions for details on and

How to download and run locally

This research compendium has been developed using the statistical programming languages R and Python. To work with the compendium, you will need to install on your computer the R software and RStudio Desktop for the R analysis, and Python 3.8.5 and the packages listed in requirements.txt for the Python analysis.

To work locally with the R analysis, either from the ZIP archive or from cloning the GitHub repository to your computer:

  • open the SSFAcomparisonPaper.Rproj file in RStudio; this takes some time the first time.
  • run renv::status() and then renv::restore() to restore the state of your project from renv.lock. Make sure that the package devtools is installed to be able to install packages from source.

Using the package renv implies that installing, removing and updating packages is done within the project. In other words, all the packages that you install/update while in a project using renv will not be available in any other project. If you want to globally install/remove/update packages, make sure you close the project first.

For the Python analysis, the easiest way is to use the Docker image hosted on Zenodo. The detailed instructions are given in

You can also download the compendium as a ZIP archive.
Alternatively, if you use GitHub, you can fork and clone the repository to your account. See also the file.


Data, text and figures : CC BY-SA 4.0
Code : See the DESCRIPTION, and LICENSE files.


We welcome contributions from everyone. Before you get started, please see our contributor guidelines. Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Research Compendium for the paper on SSFA comparison



Unknown, MIT licenses found

Licenses found






No packages published