AWS API Gateway with lambdas functions and AWS Cognito
- NodeJS
- Serverless
$ npm install serverless -g
- Serverless
- Python3 with pip (optional: see
Create and authenticate a user using our python script (new)
part)- Boto3
$ python -m pip install boto3
- Boto3
At first, you need to have the credetials for your AWS account in ~/.aws/credentials
Before you deploy the resources, you can modify the config.json
In this file you'll find some particular information about the deployment like the name of the service, the name of the Cognito User Pool, the region where you want to deploy it...
You should modify with your proper information.
You can now start the deployment into using the serverless command: $> serverless deploy
When the deployment is done, you can find in the AWS Console the different resources deployed such as API Gateway, Lambdas and Cognito.
If you want to test the authentication, you need to create a user into your Cognito User Pool and get a token for your user, that's why you have the example-auth.json
First, you have to connect to the AWS Console and go on Cognito -> User Pool -> Your User Pool (get and save your Pool Id) --> App Clients and click on Show details
and click on Enable username password auth for admin APIs for authentication (ALLOW_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH)
and Save app client changes. (get and save your App client Id too).
We've created a new script that you can use to create and/or authenticate a user.
You can take a look at the different possibility using this script by running the following command:
$ ./ --help
Once it's done you can simply run the following command:
$ ./ [email protected] $userPoolId $clientId --region $region --profile $profile --create
User password:
Token: eyJraWQiOiJuOXJFTE1qZlwvZ0hCakEwRDFOVzZGYk...
Note that the given password (
User password
) will be your final password. We'll first generate a random temporary password to validate the NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED change.The
is your profile already configured through AWS CLI (see$ aws configure help
)The above command will return you a token that you can use to make authenticated requests.
If you've already created a user you can avoid the --create
to only authenticate your user. It will also return you a token that you can use to make authenticated requests:
$ ./ [email protected] $userPoolId $clientId --region $region --profile $profile
User password:
Token: eyJraWQiOiJuOXJFTE1qZlwvZ0hCakEwRDFOVzZGYk...
To create a user you have to launch the following command (replace the $ variables, and note that you will need to change the password):
$> aws cognito-idp admin-create-user --user-pool-id $userPoolId --username $userName --temporary-password $userPassword
You now have to modify the example-auth.json
into replacing the different variables and do the following command to initiate your user:
$> aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth --cli-input-json file://example-auth.json
copy the value of Session
in the output and do the following command to change the password (replace the $ variables):
$> aws cognito-idp admin-respond-to-auth-challenge --user-pool-id $userPoolId --client-id $clientId --challenge-name NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED --challenge-responses NEW_PASSWORD=$newPassword,USERNAME=$userName --session $session
Once you have your user created, initiated and with a new password (don't forget to change the password by the new password in the example-auth.json
file) you can do the following command and get your token:
$> aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth --cli-input-json file://example-auth.json
In the output, the value of tokenId
is your token, you can use it to make some requests to your endpoints (with Postman for example).