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This repository was archived by the owner on Nov 10, 2024. It is now read-only.


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  • Why: ERC-4337(aka: Account abstraction) introduces new core components to make managing crypto simple. It has potential, but it can be difficult for developers and users to use all its core components. We have a solution that simplifies interacting with those core components.
  • What: SmartHub is a snap that makes it easy for developers and MetaMask wallet users to use ERC-4337 without dealing with its complexity.
  • How: The snap adds extra features to MetaMask by including RPC methods that work with ERC-4337 core components.

⚠️ This repository is currently under active development, and contracts/snap is not audited.


  • In dapp transaction flow. You don't need to confirm transactions/user operations in the browser extension window. Enjoy a web2-like experience with full in-dapp confirm/reject transaction flow.
  • Access and control smart accounts with MetaMask. Enjoy smart contract functionality with ease and convenience.
  • Manage ERC-4337 accounts deposit/withdraw and with supported entrypoint contract(paymaster support coming soon).
  • No lock-in; bring your own bundler; use the settings tab to choose which bundler URL to send user operations to.
  • Sign/send regular Ethereum transactions with the owner EOA of the smart account.
  • Get wallet notifications when transactions/user operations and confirmed onchain.


To interact with the Snaps, you must install MetaMask Flask, a canary distribution for developers that provides access to upcoming features.

  • MetaMask Flask
  • Docker
  • yarn
  • npm

Set up

The snap requires a connection to ERC4337 Bundler. We will use Transeptor Bundler running alongside a geth client to set up the local ERC-4337 environment. Follow the steps below to set up the local environment:

  1. Create a .env file and copy values in .env.sample to a the .env file.
  2. Add GATSBY_SNAP_ORIGIN=local:http://localhost:8080 to the ./packages/site/.env.development file.
  3. git submodule update --init
  4. Run make bundler to start the bundler.

The Bundler will start running on http://localhost:3000/rpc. You will need to have Metamask Flask installed and listening to localhost:8545 network.

Start up snap and React app

Make sure you follow the steps in Set up before starting the snap

nvm use
yarn set version 3.2.1
yarn install

Set SNAP_ORIGIN=prod:http://localhost:8080 in local .env file

yarn start

Site will be running on http://localhost:8000

Testing and Linting

Run yarn test to run the tests once.

Run yarn lint to run the linter, or run yarn lint:fix to run the linter and fix any automatically fixable issues.


  • Invalid nonce errors: if you are seeing this error on the npx hardhat node console, try resetting your Metamask account. This will reset the account's transaction history and also the nonce. Open Metamask, click on your account followed by Settings > Advanced > Clear activity tab data.


We welcome contributions to enhance our SmartHub Snap. If you would like to contribute, please follow these guidelines here.