This is a port of simdjson, a high performance JSON parser developed by Daniel Lemire and Geoff Langdale to zig.
Only 64 bit CPUs are supported so far.
A CPU with AVX is required and CLMUL is preferred. the following usually have both
- Intel - Haswell from 2013 onwards
- AMD - Ryzen/EPYC CPU (Q1 2017)
These commands show how to test for specific target and cpu support
zig build test -Dtarget=x86_64-linux -Dcpu=x86_64+avx # uses clmulSoft - missing pclmul
zig build test -Dtarget=x86_64-linux -Dcpu=x86_64+avx+pclmul
# zig build test -Dtarget=x86_64-linux # doesn't work - missing avx
# zig build test -Dcpu=x86_64_v2 # doesn't work - missing avx
A CPU with AES is preferred.
zig build test -Dtarget=aarch64-linux -Dcpu=apple_latest-aes -fqemu # uses clmulSoft
zig build test -Dtarget=aarch64-linux -fqemu
Not supported yet
# zig build test -Dtarget=powerpc-linux -fqemu # doesn't work - no classify() + 32bit errors
# zig build test -Dtarget=powerpc64-linux -fqemu # doesn't work - no classify()
No fallback for unsupported CPUs is provided yet.
# zig build test -Dcpu=baseline # doesn't work - no classify()
The main branch is meant to compile with zig's master branch. It is tested weekly on linux, windows and macos.
For older compiler versions, use a tagged version.
# json validation
$ git clone
$ cd simdjzon
$ zig build -Drelease-fast # uses the dom api by default
$ zig-out/bin/simdjzon test/test.json
$ echo $? # 0 on success
$ zig build -Drelease-fast -Dondemand # use the ondemand api
$ zig-out/bin/simdjzon test/test.json
$ echo $? # 0 on success
$ zig build test
All 19 tests passed.
$ $ zig fetch --save git+
info: resolved to commit 28d46c979f761b211539232378138b692ef50d55
// build.zig
const simdjzon_dep = b.dependency("simdjzon", .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize });
const exe_mod = b.createModule(.{
// ...
.imports = &.{
.{ .name = "simdjzon", .module = simdjzon_dep.module("simdjzon") },
// main.zig
const simdjzon = @import("simdjzon");
const dom = @import("dom.zig");
test "get with struct" {
const S = struct { a: u8, b: []const u8, c: struct { d: u8 } };
const input =
\\{"a": 42, "b": "b-string", "c": {"d": 126}}
var parser = try dom.Parser.initFixedBuffer(allr, input, .{});
defer parser.deinit();
try parser.parse();
var s: S = undefined;
try parser.element().get(&s);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 42), s.a);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("b-string", s.b);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 126), s.c.d);
test "at_pointer" {
const input =
\\{"a": {"b": [1,2,3]}}
var parser = try dom.Parser.initFixedBuffer(allr, input, .{});
defer parser.deinit();
try parser.parse();
const b0 = try parser.element().at_pointer("/a/b/0");
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i64, 1), try b0.get_int64());
const ondemand = @import("ondemand.zig");
// ondemand api users must specify `pub const read_buf_cap = N;` in their
// root source file. In tests, this defaults to `std.mem.page_size`.
test "ondemand get with struct" {
const S = struct { a: struct { b: []const u8 } };
const input =
\\{"a": {"b": "b-string"}}
var src ={ .const_buffer = };
var parser = try ondemand.Parser.init(&src, allr, "<fba>", .{});
defer parser.deinit();
var doc = try parser.iterate();
var s: S = undefined;
try doc.get(&s, .{ .allocator = allr });
try testing.expectEqualStrings("b-string", s.a.b);
test "ondemand at_pointer" {
const input =
\\{"a": {"b": [1,2,3]}}
var src ={ .const_buffer = };
var parser = try ondemand.Parser.init(&src, allr, "<fba>", .{});
defer parser.deinit();
var doc = try parser.iterate();
var b0 = try doc.at_pointer("/a/b/0");
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 1), try b0.get_int(u8));
$ wget
$ cat main.cpp
#include "simdjson.h"
using namespace simdjson;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if(argc != 2) {
std::cout << "USAGE: ./simdjson <file.json>" << std::endl;
dom::parser parser;
const dom::element doc = parser.load(argv[1]);
catch(const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
return 1;
return 0;
$ g++ main.cpp simdjson.cpp -o simdjson -O3 -march=native
$ time ./simdjson twitter.json
real 0m0.003s
user 0m0.002s
sys 0m0.001s
$ echo $?
$ time zig-out/bin/simdjzon twitter.json
real 0m0.002s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.002s
$ echo $?
The simdjson binary was compiled as shown above. Go and nim binaries created with sources from JSONTestSuite. zig std lib driver. Validation times for several large json files. Created with benchmark_and_plot.jl
Results of running simdjson and simdjzon through JSONTestSuite. Results are equal as of 8/7/21