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Possible errors returned by NFCKit and CoreNFC framework reader session.
public struct ReaderError: Error, LocalizedError, CustomNSError
, Equatable
, Error
, LocalizedError
Initialize an error within this domain with the given code and userInfo.
public init(_ code: Code, userInfo: [String : Any] = [:], description: String? = nil)
os(iOS) && !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
@available(iOS 11.0, *) public init(from coreNFCInstance: CoreNFC.NFCReaderError)
NFCKit is not supported on the current platform.
public static var readerErrorUnsupportedFeature: Code = .readerErrorUnsupportedFeature
Missing required entitlement and/or privacy settings from the client app.
public static var readerErrorSecurityViolation: Code = .readerErrorSecurityViolation
Input parameter is invalid.
public static var readerErrorInvalidParameter: Code = .readerErrorInvalidParameter
Length of input parameter is invalid, i.e. size of data container.
public static var readerErrorInvalidParameterLength: Code = .readerErrorInvalidParameterLength
Parameter value is outside of the acceptable boundary / range.
public static var readerErrorParameterOutOfBound: Code = .readerErrorParameterOutOfBound
NFC Radio is disabled.
public static var readerErrorRadioDisabled: Code = .readerErrorRadioDisabled
Connection to the tag is lost.
public static var readerTransceiveErrorTagConnectionLost: Code = .readerTransceiveErrorTagConnectionLost
Maximum data transmission retry has reached.
public static var readerTransceiveErrorRetryExceeded: Code = .readerTransceiveErrorRetryExceeded
Tag response is invalid or tag does not provide a response. Additional error information may be contain in the underlying user info dictionary.
public static var readerTransceiveErrorTagResponseError: Code = .readerTransceiveErrorTagResponseError
Session has been previously invalidated.
public static var readerTransceiveErrorSessionInvalidated: Code = .readerTransceiveErrorSessionInvalidated
Packet length has exceeded the limit.
public static var readerTransceiveErrorPacketTooLong: Code = .readerTransceiveErrorPacketTooLong
Tag is not in the connected state.
public static var readerTransceiveErrorTagNotConnected: Code = .readerTransceiveErrorTagNotConnected
Session is invalidated by the user.
public static var readerSessionInvalidationErrorUserCanceled: Code = .readerSessionInvalidationErrorUserCanceled
Session is timed out.
public static var readerSessionInvalidationErrorSessionTimeout: Code = .readerSessionInvalidationErrorSessionTimeout
Session is terminated unexpectly.
public static var readerSessionInvalidationErrorSessionTerminatedUnexpectedly: Code = .readerSessionInvalidationErrorSessionTerminatedUnexpectedly
Core NFC is temporary unavailable due to system resource constraints.
public static var readerSessionInvalidationErrorSystemIsBusy: Code = .readerSessionInvalidationErrorSystemIsBusy
Session is terminated after the 1st NDEF tag is read.
public static var readerSessionInvalidationErrorFirstNDEFTagRead: Code = .readerSessionInvalidationErrorFirstNDEFTagRead
public static var tagCommandConfigurationErrorInvalidParameters: Code = .tagCommandConfigurationErrorInvalidParameters
NDEF tag is not writable.
public static var ndefReaderSessionErrorTagNotWritable: Code = .ndefReaderSessionErrorTagNotWritable
NDEF tag write fails.
public static var ndefReaderSessionErrorTagUpdateFailure: Code = .ndefReaderSessionErrorTagUpdateFailure
NDEF tag memory size is too small to store the desired data.
public static var ndefReaderSessionErrorTagSizeTooSmall: Code = .ndefReaderSessionErrorTagSizeTooSmall
NDEF tag does not contain any NDEF message.
public static var ndefReaderSessionErrorZeroLengthMessage: Code = .ndefReaderSessionErrorZeroLengthMessage
public static var errorDomain: String = ErrorDomain
public var code: Code
public var errorCode: Int
public var errorUserInfo: [String : Any]
public var errorDescription: String?
public static func == (lhs: ReaderError, rhs: ReaderError) -> Bool
os(iOS) && !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
@available(iOS 11.0, *) public static func == (lhs: ReaderError, rhs: CoreNFC.NFCReaderError) -> Bool
os(iOS) && !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
@available(iOS 11.0, *) public static func == (lhs: CoreNFC.NFCReaderError, rhs: ReaderError) -> Bool
Generated at 2021-10-28T15:36:42+0000 using swift-doc 1.0.0-rc.1.