An irc bot written in rust, for fun and profit! See rfc2812 for irc implementation details.
Be aware that rust is fast changing and I may not keep the code up to date.
Upload to pastebin when we have many lines output
Throttle messages being sent
Refactor irc writer to use Vec<&str> so it will not manually split on newlines (see schedule in main)
Refactor command hooks etc...
Auto-op in our channel
Move messages from String to &str
Autostart in screen
.duke - Duke Nukem quotes
auto op
Post notification when I post a new blogpost at
Mention whenever I make a commit at github
curl -i
Choose one item from a list of options
Track the last time a given nick was in the channel, and the last time they spoke
.tell Queue a message for an offline nick that's automatically sent in-channel when they join
Use Google Translate to translate a given phrase
Display information about any posted Youtube link (video title, length, submitter, votes, comments, etc.)
Post notifications to channel when teams get a point
Url mentions, basically if someone links a URL , the bot displays a title of the page, and how many times its been mentioned.
- .help [cmd]
- latest manga (or something)
- habitrpg hooks?