Python-based Raspberry Pi Automated Status Reporter
Author(s): Mike Truong, Miles Hernandez
Brief Description:
- Python-based script executing Python, Bash and Bourne terminal commands to obtain Storage Information, Runtime Since Last Boot, Current Date-Time, Server Hostname, IP Address, etc., grabs output and streamlines it through a Discord bot on automated schedules daily. Users can also execute manual commands on the private Situation Report channel to grab specific information instead.
- All captured information is outputted into a private Discord server whose access and TOKEN are maintained by University of Texas at Austin's Keitt Lab and the Biosensing team.
- Work-In-Progress: Wireless LAN Connection Signal Strength & Specific File Type Count/Wildcard Counter.
System Requirements:
- sysreq.txt details latest module versions that have been confirmed to work under our team's devices. I will try to maintain sysreq.txt to be as up-to-date as possible with our team's current test environments.
Private Discord Bot TOKEN ID is privately managed by me, Miles Hernandez and the Biosensing team.