A minimal CSS reset usable with Normalize.css
With curl:
$ curl -O "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/reset.min.css"
$ curl -O "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/sass/_reset.scss"
$ curl -O "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/less/reset.less"
With NPM:
$ npm install --save reset-css
With Yarn:
$ yarn add reset-css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/minimal-css-reset/reset.css" />
@import '/path/to/minimal-css-reset/reset.css';
Via PostCSS and postcss-import:
@import 'minimal-css-reset';
Via webpack and css-loader:
import 'minimal-css-reset';
Via Sass:
@import '/path/to/minimal-css-reset/sass/reset';
Via Less:
@import '/path/to/minimal-css-reset/less/reset';
- a with underline.
- removed body margin.
- added body best practices.
- added inputs fonts reset.
- fixed dl, dd reset.
- removed blockquote left margin.
- better image, video.
- removed iframe border.
- added th,td reset.
- remove animations and transitions for people that prefer not to see them.
- NEW minified version.
License: none (public domain)