This is a final project I built for a graphics course. Explore a procedurally generated dungeon filled with weeping angels.
- Shadow mapping
- Normal-mapped textures
- Stereo anaglyph rendering
- Procedurally generated dungeon
- Collision detection with walls and objects
- Basic AI for enemies
NOTE unzip the model in deploy/angel2.obj.7z; it was too large to include in the repo.
GLFW3 is required. A binary for macOS is included in the repo.
The CMake was only tested macOS. The libraries may need to be modified on other platforms.
To build on macOS:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target install
Click on window to capture mouse for free look
- W/A/S/D - move
- Q - toggle lighting
- E - toggle no-clip mode
- R - re-generate dungeon
- 0 - wireframe mode
Trevor Smith - LinkedIn