A personal collection of recipes written in LaTeX using the LaTeX package cuisine.
Inspired by and used this repository as a template: https://github.com/m-voit/recipes
Link to PDF compiling all of the recipes:
In the folder "nutrition-calcs", python scripts are used to calculate nutrition facts and generate LaTex nutrition tables
To calculate nutrition facts for a given recipe, create a new file in the nutrition-calcs folder, naming it after the recipe with a .py extension.
Start by importing the nutrition_calc.py file to have access to the ingredient and recipe class
from nutrition_calc import *
Start by creating a recipe object. Define the name of recipe when calling the recipe class.
breakfast_burritos = recipe('breakfast burritos')
Define the number of servings
breakfast_burritos.servings = 8
Define an ingredient by creating a ingredient object. Define the name of the ingredient when calling the ingredient class
eggs = ingredient('eggs')
Define the number of servings of the given ingredient used in the recipe
eggs.servings = 12
Define the nutrition facts per serving of the ingredient. All nutrients default to zero, so it isn't necessary to explicity define the nutrients if the quantity per serving is zero.
Available nutrients to define and their units:
(International Units)vitamin_c
(International Units)vitamin_e
(International Units)zinc
eggs.calories = 70
eggs.fat = 5
eggs.saturated_fat = 1.5
eggs.polyunsaturated_fat = 1
eggs.monounsaturated_fat = 2
eggs.cholesterol = 185
eggs.sodium = 70
eggs.protein = 6
eggs.calcium = 20
eggs.iron = 0.72
eggs.phosphorus = 100
eggs.potassium = 70
eggs.riboflavin = 0.26
eggs.vitamin_a = 300
eggs.vitamin_d = 40
eggs.vitamin_e = 8
Product URLs and Nutrition URLs can be added for documentation purpose, although they are not neccesary to calculate the nutrition facts.
russet_potato.product_url = 'https://www.dillons.com/p/russet-potato/0000000004072'
russet_potato.nutrition_url = 'https://www.nutritionix.com/food/russet-potato'
Add the ingredients to the recipe object by utilizing the add_ingredient
function within the recipe class.
To view nutrition facts of the recipe, use the nutrition_facts()
function from
within the recipe class.
Nutrition Facts: breakfast burritos
calories: 450.17
fat: 30.12
saturated fat: 10.82
trans fat: 0.0
polyunsaturated fat: 2.26
monounsaturated fat: 6.75
cholesterol: 317.5
sodium: 1252.85
carbohydrate: 37.98
fiber: 23.57
sugar: 0.57
protein: 26.92
calcium: 341.43
iron: 2.65
phosphorus: 150.0
potassium: 281.27
riboflavin: 0.39
vitamin a: 450.0
vitamin c: 0.0
vitamin d: 60.0
vitamin e: 12.0
zinc: 0.0
To generate a nutrition label table to be used within a LaTex document, use the
function from within the recipe class.
& \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\huge{\textbf{\textrm{Nutrition Facts}}}}
\\ [0.5ex] \hline
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\textrm{Serving Size: 1}} \\ [0.5ex]
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\textrm{Servings per Recipe: 8 }}
\\ \noalign{\hrule height 3pt}
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\footnotesize{\textbf{\textrm{Amount per Serving}}}}
\textbf{\textrm{Calories (kcal)}} & \textbf{ 450.17 }
\\ \noalign{\hrule height 2pt}
\textbf{\textrm{Fat (g)}} & \textrm{ 30.12 } \\ \hline
\hspace{2mm} \textrm{Saturated Fat (g)} & \textrm{ 10.82 } \\ \hline
\hspace{2mm} \textrm{Trans Fat (g)} & \textrm{ 0.0 } \\ \hline
\hspace{2mm} \textrm{Polyunsaturated Fat (g)} & \textrm{ 2.26 } \\ \hline
\hspace{2mm} \textrm{Monounsaturated Fat (g)} & \textrm{ 6.75 } \\ \hline
\textbf{\textrm{Cholesterol (mg)}} & \textrm{ 317.5 } \\ \hline
\textbf{\textrm{Sodium (mg)}} & \textrm{ 1252.85 } \\ \hline
\textbf{\textrm{Carbohydrates (g)}} & \textrm{ 37.98 } \\ \hline
\hspace{2mm} \textrm{Sugar (g)} & \textrm{ 0.57 } \\ \hline
\hspace{2mm} \textrm{Fiber (g)} & \textrm{ 23.57 } \\ \hline
\textbf{\textrm{Protein (g)}} & \textrm{ 26.92 }
\\ \noalign{\hrule height 3pt}
\textbf{Calcium} \textrm{ 341.43 mg} &
\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Iron} \textrm{ 2.65 mg}} \\ \hline
\textbf{Phosphorus} \textrm{ 150.0 mg} &
\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Potassium} \textrm{ 281.27 mg}} \\ \hline
\textbf{Riboflavin} \textrm{ 0.39 mg} &
\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Vitamin A} \textrm{ 450.0 IU }} \\ \hline
\textbf{Vitamin C} \textrm{ 0.0 mg} &
\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Vitamin D} \textrm{ 60.0 IU}} \\ \hline
\textbf{Vitamin E} \textrm{ 12.0 IU} &
\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Zinc} \textrm{ 0.0 mg}} \\ \hline
Copy and paste the output to the LaTex document.