This is a Telegram Bot which gives you the current weather and warning informations about Hong Kong weather based on a RSS Feed (
- A bot token is needed, to obtain one, talk to @botfather and create a new bot
- In
at line 8, insert your bot token - You need a running MongoDB server on localhost. Install the MongoDB client and boot the server with the command:
$ mongod --dbpath=/data --port 27017
- Run
and the bot will listen for inputs
Available commands:
- \help: Displays all the available commands
- \current: Displays the current weather
- \warning: Displays weather warning
- \language: Displays the language you will receive the results
- \subscribe (current|warning): Subscribe to current or warning feed. When there is something new, you will receive a notification
- \unsubscribe (current|warning): To unsubscribe to a feed. You won't receive notifications anymore.
- \topics: Topics that you can query the bot
- \(english)(simplified)(traditional): Change the language you will receive the results
When you subscribe to a topic, it may take a long time before the RSS Feed updates, so you may want to test it in a different way. In weatherServices.js
, set debugmode
to true
to stop polling the RSS for updates, and use a local file located at ./debug
. Change manually the pubDate
in the file, and you will receive a notification.