The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Trino chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.repository | "trinodb/trino" | |
image.pullPolicy | "IfNotPresent" | |
image.tag | 432 | |
imagePullSecrets | [{"name": "registry-credentials"}] | |
server.workers | 2 | |
server.node.environment | "production" | |
server.node.dataDir | "/data/trino" | |
server.node.pluginDir | "/usr/lib/trino/plugin" | |
server.log.trino.level | "INFO" | |
server.config.path | "/etc/trino" | |
server.config.http.port | 8080 | |
server.config.https.enabled | false | |
server.config.https.port | 8443 | |
server.config.https.keystore.path | "" | |
server.config.authenticationType | "" | |
server.config.query.maxMemory | "4GB" | | | "filesystem" | |
server.exchangeManager.baseDir | "/tmp/trino-local-file-system-exchange-manager" | |
server.workerExtraConfig | "" | |
server.coordinatorExtraConfig | "" | |
server.autoscaling.enabled | false | |
server.autoscaling.maxReplicas | 5 | |
server.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | 50 | |
server.autoscaling.behavior | {} | |
accessControl | {} | |
resourceGroups | {} | |
additionalNodeProperties | {} | |
additionalConfigProperties | {} | |
additionalLogProperties | {} | |
additionalExchangeManagerProperties | {} | |
eventListenerProperties | {} | |
additionalCatalogs | {} | |
env | [] | |
envFrom | [] | |
initContainers | {} | |
sidecarContainers | {} | |
securityContext.runAsUser | 1000 | |
securityContext.runAsGroup | 1000 | |
shareProcessNamespace.coordinator | false | |
shareProcessNamespace.worker | false | |
service.type | "ClusterIP" | |
service.port | 8080 | |
auth | {} | |
serviceAccount.create | false | | | "" | |
serviceAccount.annotations | {} | |
secretMounts | [] | |
coordinator.jvm.maxHeapSize | "8G" | |
coordinator.jvm.gcMethod.type | "UseG1GC" | |
coordinator.jvm.gcMethod.g1.heapRegionSize | "32M" | |
coordinator.config.memory.heapHeadroomPerNode | "" | |
coordinator.config.query.maxMemoryPerNode | "1GB" | |
coordinator.additionalJVMConfig | {} | |
coordinator.additionalExposedPorts | {} | |
coordinator.resources | {} | |
coordinator.livenessProbe | {} | |
coordinator.readinessProbe | {} | |
coordinator.nodeSelector | {} | |
coordinator.tolerations | [] | |
coordinator.affinity | {} | |
coordinator.additionalConfigFiles | {} | |
coordinator.annotations | {} | |
coordinator.labels | {} | |
coordinator.secretMounts | [] | |
worker.jvm.maxHeapSize | "8G" | |
worker.jvm.gcMethod.type | "UseG1GC" | |
worker.jvm.gcMethod.g1.heapRegionSize | "32M" | |
worker.config.memory.heapHeadroomPerNode | "" | |
worker.config.query.maxMemoryPerNode | "1GB" | |
worker.additionalJVMConfig | {} | |
worker.additionalExposedPorts | {} | |
worker.resources | {} | |
worker.livenessProbe | {} | |
worker.readinessProbe | {} | |
worker.nodeSelector | {} | |
worker.tolerations | [] | |
worker.affinity | {} | |
worker.additionalConfigFiles | {} | |
worker.annotations | {} | |
worker.labels | {} | |
worker.secretMounts | [] | |
kafka.mountPath | "/etc/trino/schemas" | |
kafka.tableDescriptions | {} | |
commonLabels | Labels that get applied to every resource's metadata | {} |
ingress.enabled | false | |
ingress.className | "" | |
ingress.annotations | {} | |
ingress.hosts | [] | |
ingress.tls | [] | |
monitoring.enabled | false | |
monitoring.path | "/metrics" | |
monitoring.port | 9483 | |
monitoring.interval | "15s" | |
monitoring.scrapeTimeout | "15s" | |
monitoring.honorLabels | true | |
monitoring.honorTimestamps | true | |
monitoring.additionalPodTargetLabels | [] |
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.repository | "trinodb/trino" | |
image.pullPolicy | "IfNotPresent" | |
image.tag | 432 | |
imagePullSecrets | [{"name": "registry-credentials"}] | |
server.workers | 2 | |
server.node.environment | "production" | |
server.node.dataDir | "/data/trino" | |
server.node.pluginDir | "/usr/lib/trino/plugin" | |
server.log.trino.level | "INFO" | |
server.config.path | "/etc/trino" | |
server.config.http.port | 8080 | |
server.config.https.enabled | false | |
server.config.https.port | 8443 | |
server.config.https.keystore.path | "" | |
server.config.authenticationType | "" | |
server.config.query.maxMemory | "4GB" | | | "filesystem" | |
server.exchangeManager.baseDir | "/tmp/trino-local-file-system-exchange-manager" | |
server.workerExtraConfig | "" | |
server.coordinatorExtraConfig | "" | |
server.autoscaling.enabled | false | |
server.autoscaling.maxReplicas | 5 | |
server.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | 50 | |
server.autoscaling.behavior | {} | |
accessControl | {} | |
resourceGroups | {} | |
additionalNodeProperties | {} | |
additionalConfigProperties | {} | |
additionalLogProperties | {} | |
additionalExchangeManagerProperties | {} | |
eventListenerProperties | {} | |
additionalCatalogs | {} | |
env | [] | |
envFrom | [] | |
initContainers | {} | |
sidecarContainers | {} | |
securityContext.runAsUser | 1000 | |
securityContext.runAsGroup | 1000 | |
shareProcessNamespace.coordinator | false | |
shareProcessNamespace.worker | false | |
service.type | "ClusterIP" | |
service.port | 8080 | |
auth | {} | |
serviceAccount.create | false | | | "" | |
serviceAccount.annotations | {} | |
secretMounts | [] | |
coordinator.jvm.maxHeapSize | "8G" | |
coordinator.jvm.gcMethod.type | "UseG1GC" | |
coordinator.jvm.gcMethod.g1.heapRegionSize | "32M" | |
coordinator.config.memory.heapHeadroomPerNode | "" | |
coordinator.config.query.maxMemoryPerNode | "1GB" | |
coordinator.additionalJVMConfig | {} | |
coordinator.additionalExposedPorts | {} | |
coordinator.resources | {} | |
coordinator.livenessProbe | {} | |
coordinator.readinessProbe | {} | |
coordinator.nodeSelector | {} | |
coordinator.tolerations | [] | |
coordinator.affinity | {} | |
coordinator.additionalConfigFiles | {} | |
coordinator.additionalVolumes | One or more additional volumes to add to the coordinator. | [] |
coordinator.additionalVolumeMounts | One or more additional volume mounts to add to the coordinator. | [] |
coordinator.annotations | {} | |
coordinator.labels | {} | |
coordinator.secretMounts | [] | |
worker.jvm.maxHeapSize | "8G" | |
worker.jvm.gcMethod.type | "UseG1GC" | |
worker.jvm.gcMethod.g1.heapRegionSize | "32M" | |
worker.config.memory.heapHeadroomPerNode | "" | |
worker.config.query.maxMemoryPerNode | "1GB" | |
worker.additionalJVMConfig | {} | |
worker.additionalExposedPorts | {} | |
worker.resources | {} | |
worker.livenessProbe | {} | |
worker.readinessProbe | {} | |
worker.nodeSelector | {} | |
worker.tolerations | [] | |
worker.affinity | {} | |
worker.additionalConfigFiles | {} | |
worker.additionalVolumes | One or more additional volume mounts to add to all workers. | [] |
worker.additionalVolumeMounts | One or more additional volume mounts to add to all workers. | [] |
worker.annotations | {} | |
worker.labels | {} | |
worker.secretMounts | [] | |
kafka.mountPath | "/etc/trino/schemas" | |
kafka.tableDescriptions | {} | |
commonLabels | Labels that get applied to every resource's metadata | {} |
ingress.enabled | false | |
ingress.className | "" | |
ingress.annotations | {} | |
ingress.hosts | [] | |
ingress.tls | [] | |
monitoring.enabled | false | |
monitoring.path | "/metrics" | |
monitoring.port | 9483 | |
monitoring.interval | "15s" | |
monitoring.scrapeTimeout | "15s" | |
monitoring.honorLabels | true | |
monitoring.honorTimestamps | true | |
monitoring.additionalPodTargetLabels | [] |