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DanielDoehring committed Nov 6, 2024
1 parent 4f95871 commit 3b84504
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Showing 9 changed files with 379 additions and 27 deletions.
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions examples/tree_1d_dgsem/elixir_hypdiff_nonperiodic_perk4.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@

using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Trixi

# Convex and ECOS are imported because they are used for finding the optimal time step and optimal
# monomial coefficients in the stability polynomial of P-ERK time integrators.
using Convex, ECOS

# semidiscretization of the hyperbolic diffusion equations

equations = HyperbolicDiffusionEquations1D()

initial_condition = initial_condition_poisson_nonperiodic

boundary_conditions = boundary_condition_poisson_nonperiodic

solver = DGSEM(polydeg = 4, surface_flux = flux_lax_friedrichs)

coordinates_min = 0.0
coordinates_max = 1.0
mesh = TreeMesh(coordinates_min, coordinates_max,
initial_refinement_level = 3,
n_cells_max = 30_000,
periodicity = false)

semi = SemidiscretizationHyperbolic(mesh, equations, initial_condition, solver,
boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions,
source_terms = source_terms_poisson_nonperiodic)

# ODE solvers, callbacks etc.

tspan = (0.0, 5.0)
ode = semidiscretize(semi, tspan);

summary_callback = SummaryCallback()

resid_tol = 5.0e-12
steady_state_callback = SteadyStateCallback(abstol = resid_tol, reltol = 0.0)

analysis_interval = 100
analysis_callback = AnalysisCallback(semi, interval = analysis_interval)

alive_callback = AliveCallback(analysis_interval = analysis_interval)

# Construct third order paired explicit Runge-Kutta method with 8 stages for given simulation setup.
# Pass `tspan` to calculate maximum time step allowed for the bisection algorithm used
# in calculating the polynomial coefficients in the ODE algorithm.
ode_algorithm = Trixi.PairedExplicitRK4(11, tspan, semi)

cfl_number = Trixi.calculate_cfl(ode_algorithm, ode)
stepsize_callback = StepsizeCallback(cfl = 0.9 * cfl_number)

callbacks = CallbackSet(summary_callback,
analysis_callback, alive_callback,

# run the simulation

sol = Trixi.solve(ode, ode_algorithm,
dt = 1.0, # solve needs some value here but it will be overwritten by the stepsize_callback
save_everystep = false, callback = callbacks);
summary_callback() # print the timer summary
138 changes: 134 additions & 4 deletions ext/TrixiConvexECOSExt.jl
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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ end
using LinearAlgebra: eigvals

# Use functions that are to be extended and additional symbols that are not exported
using Trixi: Trixi, undo_normalization!, bisect_stability_polynomial, @muladd
using Trixi: Trixi, undo_normalization!, undo_normalization_PERK4!,
bisect_stability_polynomial, bisect_stability_polynomial_PERK4, @muladd

# By default, Julia/LLVM does not use fused multiply-add operations (FMAs).
# Since these FMAs can increase the performance of many numerical algorithms,
Expand All @@ -28,10 +29,14 @@ using Trixi: Trixi, undo_normalization!, bisect_stability_polynomial, @muladd
# relative to consistency order.
function Trixi.undo_normalization!(gamma_opt, consistency_order, num_stage_evals)
for k in (consistency_order + 1):num_stage_evals
gamma_opt[k - consistency_order] = gamma_opt[k - consistency_order] /
gamma_opt[k - consistency_order] /= factorial(k)

function Trixi.undo_normalization_PERK4!(gamma_opt, num_stage_evals)
for k in 1:(num_stage_evals - 5)
gamma_opt[k] /= factorial(k + 4)
return gamma_opt

# Compute stability polynomials for paired explicit Runge-Kutta up to specified consistency
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,6 +68,44 @@ function stability_polynomials!(pnoms, consistency_order, num_stage_evals,
return maximum(abs(pnoms))

# Specialized form of the stability polynomials for fourth-order PERK schemes.
function stability_polynomials_PERK4!(pnoms, num_stage_evals,
gamma, dt, cS3)
num_eig_vals = length(pnoms)

# Constants arising from the particular form of Butcher tableau chosen for the 4th order PERK methods
k1 = 0.001055026310046423 / cS3
k2 = 0.03726406530405851 / cS3
# Note: `cS3` = c_{S-3} is in principle free, while the other abscissae are fixed to 1.0

# Initialize with zero'th order (z^0) coefficient
for i in 1:num_eig_vals
pnoms[i] = 1.0

# First `consistency_order` = 4 terms of the exponential
for k in 1:4
for i in 1:num_eig_vals
pnoms[i] += dt^k * normalized_powered_eigvals[i, k]

# "Fixed" term due to choice of the PERK4 Butcher tableau
# Required to un-do the normalization of the eigenvalues here
pnoms += k1 * dt^5 * normalized_powered_eigvals[:, 5] * factorial(5)

# Contribution from free coefficients
for k in 1:(num_stage_evals - 5)
pnoms += (k2 * dt^(k + 4) * normalized_powered_eigvals[:, k + 4] * gamma[k] +
k1 * dt^(k + 5) * normalized_powered_eigvals[:, k + 5] * gamma[k] *
(k + 5))

# For optimization only the maximum is relevant
return maximum(abs(pnoms))

The following structures and methods provide a simplified implementation to
discover optimal stability polynomial for a given set of `eig_vals`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,6 +201,93 @@ function Trixi.bisect_stability_polynomial(consistency_order, num_eig_vals,
gamma_opt = [gamma_opt]

undo_normalization!(gamma_opt, consistency_order, num_stage_evals)

return gamma_opt, dt

# Specialized routine for PERK4.
# For details, see Section 4 in
# - D. Doehring, L. Christmann, M. Schlottke-Lakemper, G. J. Gassner and M. Torrilhon (2024).
# Fourth-Order Paired-Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods
# [DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2408.05470](
function Trixi.bisect_stability_polynomial_PERK4(num_eig_vals,
dtmax, dteps, eig_vals, cS3;
verbose = false)
dtmin = 0.0
dt = -1.0
abs_p = -1.0

# Construct stability polynomial for each eigenvalue
pnoms = ones(Complex{Float64}, num_eig_vals, 1)

# Init datastructure for monomial coefficients
gamma = Variable(num_stage_evals - 5)

normalized_powered_eigvals = zeros(Complex{Float64}, num_eig_vals, num_stage_evals)

for j in 1:num_stage_evals
fac_j = factorial(j)
for i in 1:num_eig_vals
normalized_powered_eigvals[i, j] = eig_vals[i]^j / fac_j

if verbose
println("Start optimization of stability polynomial \n")

# Bisection on timestep
while dtmax - dtmin > dteps
dt = 0.5 * (dtmax + dtmin)

# Use last optimal values for gamma in (potentially) next iteration
problem = minimize(stability_polynomials_PERK4!(pnoms,
gamma, dt, cS3))

# Parameters taken from default values for EiCOS
MOI.OptimizerWithAttributes(Optimizer, "gamma" => 0.99,
"delta" => 2e-7,
"feastol" => 1e-9,
"abstol" => 1e-9,
"reltol" => 1e-9,
"feastol_inacc" => 1e-4,
"abstol_inacc" => 5e-5,
"reltol_inacc" => 5e-5,
"nitref" => 9,
"maxit" => 100,
"verbose" => 3); silent = true)

abs_p = problem.optval

if abs_p < 1
dtmin = dt
dtmax = dt

if verbose
println("Concluded stability polynomial optimization \n")

gamma_opt = []

if num_stage_evals > 5
gamma_opt = evaluate(gamma)

# Catch case S = 6 (only one opt. variable)
if isa(gamma_opt, Number)
gamma_opt = [gamma_opt]

undo_normalization_PERK4!(gamma_opt, num_stage_evals)

return gamma_opt, dt
end # @muladd
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Expand Up @@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ function compute_PairedExplicitRK2_butcher_tableau(num_stages, eig_vals, tspan,
eig_vals; verbose)
monomial_coeffs = undo_normalization!(monomial_coeffs, consistency_order,

num_monomial_coeffs = length(monomial_coeffs)
@assert num_monomial_coeffs == coeffs_max
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,13 +110,13 @@ end
In this case the optimal CFL number cannot be computed and the [`StepsizeCallback`](@ref) cannot be used.
- `tspan`: Time span of the simulation.
- `semi` (`AbstractSemidiscretization`): Semidiscretization setup.
- `eig_vals` (`Vector{ComplexF64}`): Eigenvalues of the Jacobian of the right-hand side (rhs) of the ODEProblem after the
- `eig_vals` (`Vector{ComplexF64}`): Eigenvalues of the Jacobian of the right-hand side (rhs) of the ODEProblem after the
equation has been semidiscretized.
- `verbose` (`Bool`, optional): Verbosity flag, default is false.
- `bS` (`Float64`, optional): Value of b in the Butcher tableau at b_s, when
s is the number of stages, default is 1.0.
- `cS` (`Float64`, optional): Value of c in the Butcher tableau at c_s, when
s is the number of stages, default is 0.5.
- `bS` (`Float64`, optional): Value of $b_S$ in the Butcher tableau, where
$S$ is the number of stages. Default is 1.0.
- `cS` (`Float64`, optional): Value of $c_S$ in the Butcher tableau, where
$S$ is the number of stages. Default is 0.5.
The following structures and methods provide a minimal implementation of
the second-order paired explicit Runge-Kutta (PERK) method
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,6 +144,7 @@ end # struct PairedExplicitRK2
function PairedExplicitRK2(num_stages, base_path_monomial_coeffs::AbstractString,
dt_opt = nothing,
bS = 1.0, cS = 0.5)
@assert num_stages>=2 "PERK2 requires at least two stages"
# If the user has the monomial coefficients, they also must have the optimal time step
a_matrix, c = compute_PairedExplicitRK2_butcher_tableau(num_stages,
Expand All @@ -159,6 +158,7 @@ end
function PairedExplicitRK2(num_stages, tspan, semi::AbstractSemidiscretization;
verbose = false,
bS = 1.0, cS = 0.5)
@assert num_stages>=2 "PERK2 requires at least two stages"
eig_vals = eigvals(jacobian_ad_forward(semi))

return PairedExplicitRK2(num_stages, tspan, eig_vals; verbose, bS, cS)
Expand All @@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ end
function PairedExplicitRK2(num_stages, tspan, eig_vals::Vector{ComplexF64};
verbose = false,
bS = 1.0, cS = 0.5)
@assert num_stages>=2 "PERK2 requires at least two stages"
a_matrix, c, dt_opt = compute_PairedExplicitRK2_butcher_tableau(num_stages,
eig_vals, tspan,
bS, cS;
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ function compute_PairedExplicitRK3_butcher_tableau(num_stages, tspan,
num_eig_vals, num_stages,
dtmax, dteps,
eig_vals; verbose)
monomial_coeffs = undo_normalization!(monomial_coeffs, consistency_order,

# Solve the nonlinear system of equations from monomial coefficient and
# Butcher array abscissae c to find Butcher matrix A
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,11 +112,11 @@ end
In this case the optimal CFL number cannot be computed and the [`StepsizeCallback`](@ref) cannot be used.
- `tspan`: Time span of the simulation.
- `semi` (`AbstractSemidiscretization`): Semidiscretization setup.
- `eig_vals` (`Vector{ComplexF64}`): Eigenvalues of the Jacobian of the right-hand side (rhs) of the ODEProblem after the
- `eig_vals` (`Vector{ComplexF64}`): Eigenvalues of the Jacobian of the right-hand side (rhs) of the ODEProblem after the
equation has been semidiscretized.
- `verbose` (`Bool`, optional): Verbosity flag, default is false.
- `cS2` (`Float64`, optional): Value of c in the Butcher tableau at c_{s-2}, when
s is the number of stages, default is 1.0f0.
- `cS2` (`Float64`, optional): Value of $c_{S-2}$ in the Butcher tableau, where
$S$ is the number of stages. Default is 1.0f0.
The following structures and methods provide an implementation of
the third-order paired explicit Runge-Kutta (P-ERK) method
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,6 +145,7 @@ end # struct PairedExplicitRK3
function PairedExplicitRK3(num_stages, base_path_a_coeffs::AbstractString,
dt_opt = nothing;
cS2 = 1.0f0)
@assert num_stages>=3 "PERK3 requires at least three stages"
a_matrix, c = compute_PairedExplicitRK3_butcher_tableau(num_stages,
Expand All @@ -157,6 +156,7 @@ end
# Constructor that computes Butcher matrix A coefficients from a semidiscretization
function PairedExplicitRK3(num_stages, tspan, semi::AbstractSemidiscretization;
verbose = false, cS2 = 1.0f0)
@assert num_stages>=3 "PERK3 requires at least three stages"
eig_vals = eigvals(jacobian_ad_forward(semi))

return PairedExplicitRK3(num_stages, tspan, eig_vals; verbose, cS2)
Expand All @@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ end
# Constructor that calculates the coefficients with polynomial optimizer from a list of eigenvalues
function PairedExplicitRK3(num_stages, tspan, eig_vals::Vector{ComplexF64};
verbose = false, cS2 = 1.0f0)
@assert num_stages>=3 "PERK3 requires at least three stages"
a_matrix, c, dt_opt = compute_PairedExplicitRK3_butcher_tableau(num_stages,
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