An extendable PHP library to communicate with RESTful rails applications
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This library relies on the libcurl extension so make sure that you have it installed and enabled. See for more information.
This library also relies on my basic PHP Curl wrapper which can be found at
This library parses xml with the standard SimpleXML library by default. See for more information.
Initialize the RestfulRails class
$api = new RestfulRails;
You may optionally set a response type. The default response type is set to "text". This method also accepts a second optional argument $set_request_suffix which defaults to true. This argument will automatically add the correct suffix to all of your requests if enabled. For example, setting a response type of "xml" will automatically append ".xml" to the end of all your requests. Response types included by default are "json", "text", and "xml". See the method $api->add_response_type() below for overwriting or adding additional response types.
$api->set_response_type($type [, $set_request_suffix = true]);
// Request suffixes
$api->set_response_type('json'); // sets $api->request_suffix to '.js'
$api->set_response_type('text'); // sets $api->request_suffix to ''
$api->set_response_type('xml'); // sets $api->request_suffix to '.xml'
To overwrite or add additional response types, you must specify a type and callback method. The callback method can be passed as a string: 'method_name', or an array: array('class_name_or_object', 'method_name'). If a string is passed, the method assumes that the object $this contains the method that is to be called. If an array is passed, the callback method must be declared as public in order to be called. An optional third argument $request_suffix, which defaults to an empty string, may be passed as well.
class MyApi extends RestfulRails {
public function response_from_csv($curl_csv_response) {
// Logic to convert this csv response into an array or object or something
return $converted_response;
$api = new MyApi;
$api->add_response_type('csv', 'response_from_csv', '.csv');
$posts = $api->get(''); // Returns whatever MyApi::response_from_csv() returns
class CsvParser {
// This method must be "public" in order to be called
static function parse($curl_csv_response) {
// Logic to convert $curl_response into an array or object or something
return $converted_csv;
$api = new RestfulRails;
$api->add_response_type('csv', array('CsvParser','parse'), '.csv');
$posts = $api->get(''); // Returns whatever CsvParser::parse() returns
You also have access to the request_prefix/suffix properties:
$api->request_prefix = ''; // defaults to 'http://'
$api->request_suffix = '.xml'; // defaults to ''
You may optionally set the request_prefix/suffix properties when initializing the RestfulRails class:
$api = new RestfulRails('', '.xml');
With the class initialized, you now have access to the four request methods below. Each of them returns a type casted response formatted to the response type that you set with the $api->set_response_type() method shown above. These methods will return false if an error/exception occurs.
$api->delete($url [, $vars = array()]);
$api->get($url [, $vars = array()]); // Builds a query string if passed an array of $vars
$api->post($url [, $vars = array()]);
$api->put($url [, $vars = array()]);
If an error/exception occurred, you can check what it was with:
$api->error(); // Returns a string with the last error message
$api = new RestfulRails;
$api->request_prefix = '';
$response = $api->get('posts/1');
if ($response) {
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
} else {
echo $api->error();
$api->put('posts/1', array('post[body]' => 'Test from the API'));
$response = $api->get('posts/1');
if ($response) {
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
} else {
echo $api->error();
Problems, comments, and suggestions all welcome: [email protected]