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Move standard library in MeTTa into separate file
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vsbogd committed Sep 15, 2023
1 parent bb19975 commit 9888658
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Showing 2 changed files with 201 additions and 204 deletions.
200 changes: 200 additions & 0 deletions lib/src/metta/runner/stdlib.metta
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@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
;`$then`, `$else` should be of `Atom` type to avoid evaluation
; and infinite cycle in inference
(: if (-> Bool Atom Atom $t))
(= (if True $then $else) $then)
(= (if False $then $else) $else)

(: Error (-> Atom Atom ErrorType))

(: if-non-empty-expression (-> Atom Atom Atom Atom))
(= (if-non-empty-expression $atom $then $else)
(chain (eval (get-metatype $atom)) $type
(eval (if-equal $type Expression
(eval (if-equal $atom () $else $then))
$else ))))

(: if-decons (-> Atom Variable Variable Atom Atom Atom))
(= (if-decons $atom $head $tail $then $else)
(eval (if-non-empty-expression $atom
(chain (decons $atom) $list
(unify $list ($head $tail) $then $else) )
$else )))

(: if-empty (-> Atom Atom Atom Atom))
(= (if-empty $atom $then $else)
(eval (if-equal $atom Empty $then $else)))

(: if-not-reducible (-> Atom Atom Atom Atom))
(= (if-not-reducible $atom $then $else)
(eval (if-equal $atom NotReducible $then $else)))

(: if-error (-> Atom Atom Atom Atom))
(= (if-error $atom $then $else)
(eval (if-decons $atom $head $_
(eval (if-equal $head Error $then $else))
$else )))

(: return-on-error (-> Atom Atom Atom))
(= (return-on-error $atom $then)
(eval (if-empty $atom Empty
(eval (if-error $atom $atom
$then )))))

(: switch (-> %Undefined% Expression Atom))
(= (switch $atom $cases)
(chain (decons $cases) $list
(chain (eval (switch-internal $atom $list)) $res
(eval (if-not-reducible $res Empty $res)) )))
(= (switch-internal $atom (($pattern $template) $tail))
(unify $atom $pattern $template (eval (switch $atom $tail))))

; FIXME: subst and reduce are not used in interpreter implementation
; we could remove them

(: subst (-> Atom Variable Atom Atom))
(= (subst $atom $var $templ)
(unify $atom $var $templ
(Error (subst $atom $var $templ)
"subst expects a variable as a second argument") ))

(: reduce (-> Atom Variable Atom Atom))
(= (reduce $atom $var $templ)
(chain (eval $atom) $res
(eval (if-empty $res Empty
(eval (if-error $res $res
(eval (if-not-reducible $res
(eval (subst $atom $var $templ))
(eval (reduce $res $var $templ)) ))))))))

; MeTTa interpreter implementation ;

(= (match-types $type1 $type2 $then $else)
(eval (if-equal $type1 %Undefined% $then
(eval (if-equal $type2 %Undefined% $then
(eval (if-equal $type1 Atom $then
(eval (if-equal $type2 Atom $then
(unify $type1 $type2 $then $else) )))))))))

(= (type-cast $atom $type $space)
(chain (eval (get-type $atom $space)) $actual-type
(chain (eval (get-metatype $atom)) $meta
(eval (if-equal $type $meta $atom
(eval (match-types $actual-type $type $atom (Error $atom BadType))) )))))

(= (is-function $type)
(chain (eval (get-metatype $type)) $meta
(eval (switch ($type $meta)
(($_ Expression)
(chain (eval (car $type)) $head
(unify $head -> True False) ))
($_ False) )))))

(= (interpret $atom $type $space)
(chain (eval (get-metatype $atom)) $meta
(eval (if-equal $type Atom $atom
(eval (if-equal $type $meta $atom
(eval (switch ($type $meta)
(($_type Variable) $atom)
(($_type Symbol) (eval (type-cast $atom $type $space)))
(($_type Grounded) (eval (type-cast $atom $type $space)))
(($_type Expression) (eval (interpret-expression $atom $type $space))) )))))))))

(= (interpret-expression $atom $type $space)
(eval (if-decons $atom $op $args
(chain (eval (get-type $op $space)) $op-type
(chain (eval (is-function $op-type)) $is-func
(unify $is-func True
(chain (eval (interpret-func $atom $op-type $type $space)) $reduced-atom
(eval (call $reduced-atom $type $space)) )
(chain (eval (interpret-tuple $atom $space)) $reduced-atom
(eval (call $reduced-atom $type $space)) ))))
(eval (type-cast $atom $type $space)) )))

(= (interpret-func $expr $type $ret-type $space)
(eval (if-decons $expr $op $args
(chain (eval (interpret $op $type $space)) $reduced-op
(eval (return-on-error $reduced-op
(eval (if-decons $type $arrow $arg-types
(chain (eval (interpret-args $expr $args $arg-types $ret-type $space)) $reduced-args
(eval (return-on-error $reduced-args
(cons $reduced-op $reduced-args) )))
(Error $type "Function type expected") )))))
(Error $expr "Non-empty expression atom is expected") )))

(= (interpret-args $atom $args $arg-types $ret-type $space)
(unify $args ()
(chain (eval (car $arg-types)) $actual-ret-type
(eval (match-types $actual-ret-type $ret-type () (Error $atom BadType))))
(eval (if-decons $args $head $tail
(eval (if-decons $arg-types $head-type $tail-types
(chain (eval (interpret $head $head-type $space)) $reduced-head
; check that head was changed otherwise Error or Empty in the head
; can be just an argument which is passed by intention
(eval (if-equal $reduced-head $head
(eval (interpret-args-tail $atom $reduced-head $tail $tail-types $ret-type $space))
(eval (return-on-error $reduced-head
(eval (interpret-args-tail $atom $reduced-head $tail $tail-types $ret-type $space)) )))))
(Error $atom BadType) ))
(Error (interpret-atom $atom $args $arg-types $space)
"Non-empty expression atom is expected") ))))

(= (interpret-args-tail $atom $head $args-tail $args-tail-types $ret-type $space)
(chain (eval (interpret-args $atom $args-tail $args-tail-types $ret-type $space)) $reduced-tail
(eval (return-on-error $reduced-tail
(cons $head $reduced-tail) ))))

(= (interpret-tuple $atom $space)
(unify $atom ()
(eval (if-decons $atom $head $tail
(chain (eval (interpret $head %Undefined% $space)) $rhead
(eval (if-empty $rhead Empty
(chain (eval (interpret-tuple $tail $space)) $rtail
(eval (if-empty $rtail Empty
(cons $rhead $rtail) ))))))
(Error (interpret-tuple $atom $space) "Non-empty expression atom is expected as an argument") ))))

(= (call $atom $type $space)
(eval (if-error $atom $atom
(chain (eval $atom) $result
(eval (if-not-reducible $result $atom
(eval (if-empty $result Empty
(eval (if-error $result $result
(eval (interpret $result $type $space)) ))))))))))

; Standard library written in MeTTa ;

(: match (-> Atom Atom Atom %Undefined%))
(= (match $space $pattern $template)
(unify $pattern $space $template Empty))

(: let (-> Atom %Undefined% Atom Atom))
(= (let $pattern $atom $template)
(unify $atom $pattern $template Empty))

(: let* (-> Expression Atom Atom))
(= (let* $pairs $template)
(eval (if-decons $pairs ($pattern $atom) $tail
(let $pattern $atom (let* $tail $template))
$template )))

(: case (-> %Undefined% Expression Atom))
(= (case $atom $cases) (switch $atom $cases))

(: car (-> Expression Atom))
(= (car $atom)
(eval (if-decons $atom $head $_
(Error (car $atom) "car expects a non-empty expression as an argument") )))

(: cdr (-> Expression Expression))
(= (cdr $atom)
(eval (if-decons $atom $_ $tail
(Error (cdr $atom) "cdr expects a non-empty expression as an argument") )))

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