Note: This monorepo is aligned with our @drizzle
scoped package release of 1.5.0. If you are looking for our old drizzle repo, it has been moved here.
Drizzle is a collection of libraries to simplify development of your dapps in Plain JavaScript, React and Vue.
@drizzle/store:- is the state manager of Drizzle. It handles the boilerplate for web3 connection as synchronizing Smart Contract state and events.
@drizzle/react-plugin:- defines the Drizzle Provider for a React project.
@drizzle/react-components:- is a collection of primitive web controls that transforms Smart Contract data types to their appropriate html controls. It's the fastest way to visualize Contract data on a browser with React!
@drizzle/vue-plugin:- a Vue adaptor and collection of html controls that will get your Vue dapp up and running quickly!
Thanks for taking the time to help out and improve drizzle
! π
The following is a set of guidelines for drizzle
contributions and may
change over time. Feel free to suggest improvements to this document in a pull
All contributions are welcome!
If you run into an issue, the first step is to reach out in our community Gitter channel, in case others have run into the problem or know how to help.
To report a problem or to suggest a new feature, open a GitHub Issue. This will alert us of the problem so we can prioritize a fix.
For code contributions, for either new features or bug fixes, see Development.
If you're looking to make a substantial change, you may want to reach out first to give us a heads up.
In order to develop drizzle
, you'll need:
First clone this repository and install NPM dependencies:
$ git clone
$ cd drizzle
$ yarn
If all is good, navigate (cd
) to the package of interest and
follow the README document there.
Community contributions to drizzle
require that you first fork the
repository. After your modifications, push changes to your
fork(s) and submit a pull request upstream to trufflesuite
See GitHub documentation about Collaborating with issues and pull requests for more information.
β Note:
development uses a long-liveddevelop
branch for new (non-hotfix) development. Pull Requests should be opened againstdevelop
in all repositories.
projects adhere to Gitflow, a Git workflow designed around a
strict branching model to more easily track feature development vs. releases.
For more information on Gitflow, check out Atlassian's helpful
We can separate our branches into long-lived and purposeful branches. We have two long-lived branches:
, checkout for hotfix development; in sync with the latestrelease
(synced after the release has gone out publicly).develop
, checkout for feature development; latest unstable releases and work targeting the next major or minor release.
All development is done on branches with a prefix/title
style naming
convention. These are later merged into develop
and finally a release
before final release. These are the two prefixes we use:
, for new feature development; later merged withdevelop
, for hotfix development; later merged withmaster
For example, a fix for a contract fetching error might look like: fix/contract-fetching
Use a branch for your modifications, tracking it on your fork:
$ git checkout -b feature/sweet-feature // or "fix/" prefix if a hotfix
$ git push -u ChocolateLover feature/sweet-feature
Then, make changes and commit as usual.
Start and wait for Ganache to initialize.
$ yarn ganache
You'll know when the console shows the following:
test-truffle-contracts: Listening on
Open up another terminal and deploy the contracts to Ganache:
$ yarn ganache:deploy
Deployment is done when the following is logged to the console:
test-truffle-contracts: Summary
test-truffle-contracts: =======
test-truffle-contracts: > Total deployments: 4
test-truffle-contracts: > Final cost: ... ETH
Start the front end test apps:
yarn serve:ui
Now you'll have 3 apps to interact with.
- Generic React app on port 3000
- React app using the context API on port 3001
- Vue app on port 3002
Because these libraries are dependencies to your front end project, you'll want
to be run your project against the local changes you're working on. Use yarn link
First navigate to the package you want to work on. For example, if you're working on the vue-plugin.
$ cd packages/vue-plugin
$ yarn link # sym-link package to yarn's global scope
$ yarn prepare # build your changes
Now that the package has been linked, yarn will be able to resolve it when you specify it as a dependency.
Navigate to your front end project:
$ yarn link @drizzle/vue-plugin # use your local vue-plugin
: Clean all non-root workspacesclean:all
: All workspaces including root and removes yarn.lock
Running the Test UIs:
: Launch a Ganache instanceganache:deploy
: Deploy some test contracts to an existing Ganache instanceserve:ui
: Launch the test UIs that work with the two Ganache commands above
Webpack bundle size report:
: Creates a report of the bundle size
: Run all teststest:store
: Run only tests for@drizzle/store
: Run only tests for@drizzle/store
passing verbose flagtest:vue
: Run only tests for@drizzle/vue-plugin
Join the chat in our community Spectrum channel. If anything about this process is unclear, or for helpful feedback of any kind, we'd love to hear from you!
Thanks again for all your support, encouragement, and effort! drizzle
would not be possible without contributors like you. π