Tanja Samardžić, University of Geneva, Lecture notes, Autumn 2024
These notes should be used as a guide for acquiring the most important notions and terminology in contemporary Natural Language Processing. Most of the notions mentioned in the notes are explained in the listed sources. A few visualisations are included in the notes for a better overview and intuitive understanding. This course includes a practical part too, which is managed on Moodle.
Online textbooks:
- Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin: Speech and Language Processing (3rd ed. draft)
- Jacob Eisenstein: Natural Language Processing
- Yoav Goldberg: A Primer on Neural Network Models for Natural Language Processing
- Tom Mitchell: Machine Learning - an old classic
Blogs and other learning resources:
- Benoît Sagot, Apprendre les langues aux machines, cours du Collège de France
- Luigi Rizzi, General linguistics, cours du Collège de France
- YouTube channel Crash Course Linguistics
- Lena Voita's NLP course
- Hugging Face Course
- Graham Neubig, YouTube channel CMU Advanced NLP
- Jay Alammar's blog
- Serrano Academy
- YouTube channel 3blue1brown
2. Large language models (LLMs), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural language processing (NLP), history of NLP