The website has the ability to analyze the risk of each ingredient in cosmetics
Technologies used:
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- Thymeleaf
Required environment
- Java SE Development Kit
The steps to execute the program are:
- Step 1: Use XAMPP with MySQL port: localhost:3306; Use a web browser to type http://localhost/phpmyadmin/, create a new database with the name "db_ecommerce1"; Import data from file "db_ecommerce (2).sql".
- Step 2: Open Intellij, select "file", select "open...", go to project location and select project; Wait for the project to load and update the library; Select "run" or press "shift + F10" to run the program.
The program is made by:
- Nguyễn Cao Minh
- Trần Bảo Duy (Leader) [email protected]
- Trần Hoàng Vũ