Building input graphs for Graph Neural Network (GNN) is based on the embedding learning and filtering with multilayer perceptrons, both of which are implemented in Pytorch. The GNN is implemented in the TensorFlow with the graph_nets package.
To quickly get started, you can visit our walk-through notebook.
conda create --name exatrkx python=3.8 pytorch torchvision torchaudio faiss-gpu cudatoolkit=11.3 matplotlib jupyter -c pytorch
conda activate exatrkx
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -e .
pip install pytorch_lightning tensorflow graph_nets
Dependencies not listed in the
are tabulated below. We are referring to their webpage for detailed installation instructions.
- pytorch for embedding learning and filtering
- torch-geometric for GNN in Pytorch
- tensorflow for GNN in TensorFlow
- mpi4py for distributed training
- horovod for distributed training
We prepared a script to install the torch-geometric
, which can be executed as cu113 1.11.0
where the first argument cu113
is the CUDA version and the second is the pytorch
You can find out the cuda and pytorch version by running
python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__, torch.version.cuda)"
and then run
export $CUDA_VERSION="your-cuda-version"
export $TORCH_VERSION="your-torch-version" $CUDA_VERSION $TORCH_VERSION
where the cuda version must be in cu1xx format.
The program saves intermediate files after each processing step and we organize those outputs with a predefined structure. Users have to assign two environment variables: TRKXINPUTDIR
for tracking input data pointing to the csv files for each event and the detector.csv
file should be at its uplevel folder; TRKXOUTPUTDIR
for saving output files. It can be done either in bash via export TRKXINPUTDIR=my-input-dir
and export TRKXOUTPUTDIR=my-output-dir
or in python script via
import os
os.environ['TRKXINPUTDIR'] = "my-input-dir"
os.environ['TRKXOUTPUTDIR'] = "my-output-dir"
It reads input files, constructs cell features and more importantly figures out truth connections (edges) between hits from the same track. --action build
It uses the hit position and cell information as inputs and embeds each hit into a hidden phasespace where hits from the same track are clustered together. If the option --config
is missing the default configuration will be used. --action embedding --config train_embedding.yaml --gpus 1 --max_epochs 10
It uses multilayer percetrons to filter out as much fake edges as possible while keeping a high efficiency. --action filtering --config train_filter.yaml --gpus 1 --max_epochs 10 --max-epochs 10