Haiku implementation of the DimeNet++ architecture.
This repository provides 2 interfaces for the DimeNet++ model. The first interface allows using DimeNet++ as a Jax M.D. energy_fn to run molecular dynamics simulations. The second interface allows prediction of global molecular properties.
from jax_dimenet import dimenet, sparse_graph
# Jax M.D. energy function:
init_fn, dimenet_energy_fn = dimenet.energy_neighborlist(displacement_fn, r_cut)
init_params = init_fn(random.PRNGKey(0), positions, neighbor=neighbors)
energy_fn = partial(dimenet_energy_fn, init_params) # jax_md energy_fn interface
print('Predicted energy:', energy_fn(positions, neighbors))
# Molecular property prediction:
mol_graph, _ = sparse_graph.sparse_graph_from_neighborlist(
displacement_fn, positions, neighbors, r_cut)
init_fn, property_predictor = dimenet.property_prediction(r_cut, n_targets=5)
init_params = init_fn(random.PRNGKey(0), mol_graph)
print('Predicted properties:', property_predictor(init_params, mol_graph))
A minimum usage example is available in the notebooks folder. For more real-world applications of the DimeNet++ model in MD simulations, please refer to the DiffTRe repository.
You can install Jax-DimeNet via pip:
pip install jax-dimenet
The repository uses the following packages:
The code was run with Python 3.8.
Contributions are always welcome! Please open a pull request to discuss the code additions.
For questions, please contact stephan.thaler@tum.de.
If you use this code in your own work, please consider citing the paper that introduced this DimeNet++ implementation,
title = {Learning neural network potentials from experimental data via Differentiable Trajectory Reweighting},
author = {Thaler, Stephan and Zavadlav, Julija},
journal={Nature Communications},
year = {2021}
as well as the original DimeNet++ paper.
title = {Fast and Uncertainty-Aware Directional Message Passing for Non-Equilibrium Molecules},
author = {Klicpera, Johannes and Giri, Shankari and Margraf, Johannes T. and G{\"u}nnemann, Stephan},
year = {2020}