This project is an add-on to RedHat Openshift Container Platform enabling the deployment with Tungsten Fabric (TF) as SDN
The supported Openshift versions are 4.5 and 4.6
The overall Openshift deploy process is the same as described in the official Openshift documentation
In general the steps are in depended on where you are going to install Openshift to - AWS, GCP, KVM ,etc. But for now the project is tested on KVM hypervisor according to baremetal installation procedure.
The below there are addition steps based on baremetal installation procedure
Set networkType param to TF in install-config.yaml at the step creating the installation configuration file
Add TF Openshift manifests right after step of creation Openshift install manifests
2.1 Generate the Kubernetes manifests for the cluster (step from the main instruction)
export INSTALL_DIR=<your installation_directory> ./openshift-install create manifests --dir=$INSTALL_DIR
2.2 Download TF Openshift manifests add add them to the installation (additional step)
git clone ./tf-openshift/scripts/ $INSTALL_DIR
Note: To use non-default NTP servers for Chrony, you need to export NTP_SERVERS before this stage. Example:
export NTP_SERVERS="" ./tf-openshift/scripts/ $INSTALL_DIR
2.3 Download TF Operator manifests add add them to the installation (additional step)
git clone export CONTRAIL_CONTAINER_TAG=<Containers UBI based images tag (tungstenfabric on dockerhub by default)> export CONTAINER_REGISTRY=<Containers UBI based images registry (latest by default)> export KUBECONFIG=$INSTALL_DIR/auth/kubeconfig export DEPLOYER="openshift" export KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_NAME="test1" export KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_DOMAIN="" export CONTRAIL_REPLICAS=3 # process manifests (put cluster name, domain etc) # install python3 if missed before: # yum install -y python3 # python3 -m pip install jinja2 ./tf-operator/contrib/ # copy TF CRDs resources for i in $(ls ./tf-operator/deploy/crds/) ; do cp ./tf-operator/deploy/crds/$i $INSTALL_DIR/manifests/01_$i done # copy TF operator resources for i in namespace service-account role cluster-role role-binding cluster-role-binding ; do cp ./tf-operator/deploy/kustomize/base/operator/$i.yaml $INSTALL_DIR/manifests/02-tf-operator-$i.yaml done oc kustomize ./tf-operator/deploy/kustomize/operator/templates/ | sed -n 'H; /---/h; ${g;p;}' > $INSTALL_DIR/manifests/02-tf-operator.yaml # copy TF reources oc kustomize ./tf-operator/deploy/kustomize/contrail/templates/ > $INSTALL_DIR/manifests/03-tf.yaml
Proceed with main intruction from the step
# Create ignition configs
./openshift-install create ignition-configs --dir=<installation_directory>