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Home Assistant Kustomize Deployment

This repository contains a Kustomize setup for deploying Home Assistant on Kubernetes. Kustomize is used to manage and configure the Kubernetes resources needed for Home Assistant. This guide provides instructions on how to deploy Home Assistant using Kustomize with FluxCD.



The setup includes:

  • A Kubernetes Deployment for Home Assistant
  • Service definitions


1. Clone the Repository

Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
    cd home-assistant-kustomize

2. Update Configuration Files

The following configuration files may need to be adjusted based on your environment and requirements:

  • kustomization.yaml: Uncomment namespace.yaml
  • statefulset.yaml: Modify Home Assistant deployment as needed.
  • service.yaml Modify the Service as needed.
  • ingressroute.yaml Fix to your traefik ingress if using traefik.

3. Deploying with Kustomize

To apply the configuration with Kustomize, use the following command:

    kubectl apply -k .

This command applies the resources in the current directory, using Kustomize to manage overlays and configurations.

Deploying with FluxCD

If using FluxCD:

  1. Ensure your FluxCD setup is configured to watch this repository or a specific directory in it.
  2. Add the repository to your Flux configuration by referencing it in your kustomization.yaml under the FluxCD setup.
  3. Flux will automatically detect changes and apply them to your cluster.

1. Clone the Repository

Clone this repository to your local machine:

    cd your/fluxcd/apps/base
    git clone
    cd home-assistant-kustomize

2. Add Kustomize file and fluxcd manifest.


namespace: home-assistant
kind: Kustomization
  - namespace.yaml
  - home-assistant-kustomize.yaml
#  - ingressroute.yaml #traefik ingressroute


kind: GitRepository
  name: home-assistant
  interval: 2h
    semver: '>=2024.1.1'

kind: Kustomization
  name: home-assistant
  interval: 4h
  path: "./"
  prune: true
    kind: GitRepository
    name: home-assistant
    namespace: home-assistant
  targetNamespace: home-assistant
# To use hostpath storage uncomment the line below
# Also is an example to mount the host bluetooth
#  patches:
#    - patch: |
#        - op: add
#          path: /spec/template/spec/volumes/-
#          value:
#            name: home-assistant
#            hostPath:
#              path: /config
#        - op: add
#          path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/-
#          value:
#            name: home-assistant
#            mountPath: /data/home-assistant/
#            type: DirectoryOrCreate
#        - op: add                                    # bluetooth Start
#          path: /spec/template/spec/volumes/-
#          value:
#            name: bluetooth
#            hostPath:
#              path: /run/dbus
#        - op: add
#          path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/-
#          value:
#            name: bluetooth
#            mountPath: /run/dbus
#            readOnly: true                            # bluetooth End
#      target:
#        kind: StatefulSet
#        name: home-assistant

Namespace Consideration

By default, this setup deploys all resources into the home-assistant namespace. If you need to use a different namespace, adjust the metadata.namespace field in the kustomization.yaml file and make sure the namespace exists on your cluster:

    kubectl create namespace your-namespace

Storage Configuration

The Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) is configured directly in the StatefulSet manifest. Ensure that the storage class aligns with your cluster’s setup. If necessary, modify the storageClassName field in the StatefulSet file to match a compatible storage class available on your cluster.

Additionally, review the storage size in the StatefulSet manifest to make sure it meets your storage requirements. Adjust it by updating the field in the manifest as needed.

For example, to update the storage class and size, locate the following section in the StatefulSet file:

  - metadata:
      name: home-assistant 
      accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
          storage: 5Gi

Accessing Home Assistant

After deployment, Home Assistant should be accessible through the configured Service. By default, the service.yaml file is set up with a ClusterIP service type. Modify it to NodePort or LoadBalancer depending on your access needs.

To access Home Assistant via NodePort:

  1. Retrieve the assigned port:
       kubectl get svc -n home-assistant
  1. Open a browser and navigate to http://<NODE_IP>:<PORT>

For LoadBalancer setups, use the external IP provided by your cloud provider.


To remove the Home Assistant deployment and its associated resources, run:

    kubectl delete -k .

Or, if using FluxCD, remove the repository or folder from your Flux configuration, and Flux will delete the resources on the cluster.

Additional Notes

  • Logging: To view logs for Home Assistant, use:
      kubectl logs -f <pod-name> -n home-assistant

Replace <pod-name> with the name of the running Home Assistant pod.


This repository is open-source and available under the MIT License.