A general purpose tool for benchmarking turbopuffer deployments across a wide variety of workloads. Modifications, extensions and new benchmarks are encouraged; we want you to push turbopuffer to it's limits. If you find any issues or performance problems, let us know so we can improve turbopuffer for your specific workload!
- Go 1.23.4 (install instructions)
First, compile the benchmark script:
go build -o tpuf-benchmark
Then, you can run the script with the default parameters (this'll do a tiny benchmark to verify that the script is working as intended):
./tpuf-benchmark \
-api-key <API_KEY> \
-endpoint <ENDPOINT>
To see a list of all available configuration options, run:
./tpuf-benchmark --help
All benchmarks were run on a c2-standard-30 instance running in GCP us-central1.
./tpuf-benchmark \
-api-key <API_KEY> \
-endpoint <ENDPOINT> \
-namespace-count 1 \
-namespace-combined-size 1000000 \
-upserts-per-sec 0 \
-queries-per-sec 3 \
-query-template <TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH>
The template file defines the workload that'll be run:
- For vector search, use
- For full-text (BM25) search, use
You can customize these template files with additional parameters to benchmark different variants of the workload. For example:
"consistency": {"level": "eventual"}
to test eventual consistency for queries (default is strong consistency)"disable_cache": true
to test the performance of cold (uncached) queries