Chess Multiplayer Game Welcome to the Chess Multiplayer Game, a real-time, online chess platform built with Next.js, Socket.IO, and more.
![Screenshot 2024-09-08 at 8 51 04 AM](
Features Real-Time Multiplayer: Play chess with friends or other players online. Interactive Chessboard: Drag-and-drop functionality for seamless moves. Game Synchronization: Moves are synced instantly between players using Socket.IO. Responsive Design: Works on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. Technologies Used Next.js: React framework for building the user interface. Socket.IO: Real-time communication between players. Express.js: Backend server to handle connections. Chess.js: Logic and rules for validating chess moves. Styled Components: For dynamic and reusable styles.
Contribution Feel free to submit issues, feature requests, or pull requests. All contributions are welcome to improve this project!
License This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Author Tushit Garg