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tbagrel1 committed May 3, 2023
1 parent 2c91349 commit 8fda2e8
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Showing 7 changed files with 169 additions and 168 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions memory/Compact/Pure.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Compact.Pure (benchmarks) where

import Test.Tasty.Bench
import Compact.SExpr
import GHC.Compact (compact, getCompact)
import Test.Tasty.Bench

benchmarks :: Benchmark
benchmarks =
Expand All @@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ benchmarks =
sampleData <- loadSampleData
let res = parseWithoutDest sampleData
resInRegion <- compact res
return $ getCompact resInRegion
, bench "parser using dest" . nfIO $ parseUsingDest <$> loadSampleData
return $ getCompact resInRegion,
bench "parser using dest" . nfIO $ parseUsingDest <$> loadSampleData
274 changes: 137 additions & 137 deletions memory/Compact/SExpr.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,187 +1,187 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Compact.SExpr where

import Compact.Pure.Internal
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Functor.Linear ((<$>), (<&>), (>>=))
import Data.Bifunctor.Linear (Bifunctor (second))
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Data.Functor.Linear as Data
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Compact.Pure.Internal
import Prelude.Linear
import qualified Prelude as NonLinear
import Control.Functor.Linear ((<&>), (<$>), (>>=))
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Unsafe.Linear (toLinear2)
import Data.Bifunctor.Linear (Bifunctor(second))
import qualified Data.Functor.Linear as Data
import qualified Prelude as NonLinear

loadSampleData :: IO String
loadSampleData = readFile "memory/Compact/test_data.sexpr"

data SExpr
= SList [SExpr]
| SFloat Float
| SInteger Int
| SString String
| SSymbol String
deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData)
= SList [SExpr]
| SFloat Float
| SInteger Int
| SString String
| SSymbol String
deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData)

showSExpr :: Bool -> Int -> SExpr %1 -> String
showSExpr cont indent = \case
SList [] -> makeIndent cont indent ++ "()"
SList (x:xs) ->
makeIndent cont indent
++ "("
++ showSExpr True (indent + 1) x
++ concatMap (\x -> "\n" ++ showSExpr False (indent + 1) x) xs
++ ")"
SFloat f -> makeIndent cont indent ++ show f
SInteger i -> makeIndent cont indent ++ show i
SString s -> makeIndent cont indent ++ show s
SSymbol s -> makeIndent cont indent ++ s
makeIndent cont indent = if cont then "" else replicate indent ' '
SList [] -> makeIndent cont indent ++ "()"
SList (x : xs) ->
makeIndent cont indent
++ "("
++ showSExpr True (indent + 1) x
++ concatMap (\x -> "\n" ++ showSExpr False (indent + 1) x) xs
++ ")"
SFloat f -> makeIndent cont indent ++ show f
SInteger i -> makeIndent cont indent ++ show i
SString s -> makeIndent cont indent ++ show s
SSymbol s -> makeIndent cont indent ++ s
makeIndent cont indent = if cont then "" else replicate indent ' '

instance Show SExpr where
show x = showSExpr False 0 x
show x = showSExpr False 0 x

data SContext
= NotInSList
| InSList [SExpr]
deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData)
= NotInSList
| InSList [SExpr]
deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData)

data DSContext r
= DNotInSList (Dest SExpr r)
| DInSList (Dest [SExpr] r)
= DNotInSList (Dest SExpr r)
| DInSList (Dest [SExpr] r)

data SExprParseError
= UnexpectedClosingParen String
| UnexpectedEOFSExpr
| UnexpectedEOFSList (Maybe [SExpr])
| UnexpectedEOFSString Bool (Maybe String)
| UnexpectedContentAfter SExpr (Maybe String)
deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData)
= UnexpectedClosingParen String
| UnexpectedEOFSExpr
| UnexpectedEOFSList (Maybe [SExpr])
| UnexpectedEOFSString Bool (Maybe String)
| UnexpectedContentAfter SExpr (Maybe String)
deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData)

instance Show SExprParseError where
show = \case
UnexpectedClosingParen remaining ->
"Parse error: Encountered an unexpected closing parentheses in:\n"
++ remaining
UnexpectedEOFSExpr -> "Parse error: Ecountered EOF while expecting an SExpr."
UnexpectedEOFSList mContext ->
"Parse error: Encountered EOF in the middle of parsing an SList.\n"
++ ifAvailableShow mContext "\n"
UnexpectedEOFSString escaped mContext ->
"Parse error: Encountered EOF in the middle of parsing a quoted string\n"
++ "Escape mode for next character: "
++ (if escaped then "on" else "off")
++ ifAvailableShow mContext "\nThese chars have been parsed so far: "
UnexpectedContentAfter parsedExpr mContext ->
"Parse error: This SExpr has been successfully parsed:\n"
++ show parsedExpr
++ "\nBut some unexpected content is present after"
++ ifAvailableShow mContext ":\n"
ifAvailableShow :: (Show a) => Maybe a -> String -> String
ifAvailableShow mContext header = case mContext of
Nothing -> ""
Just c -> header ++ show c

show = \case
UnexpectedClosingParen remaining ->
"Parse error: Encountered an unexpected closing parentheses in:\n"
++ remaining
UnexpectedEOFSExpr -> "Parse error: Ecountered EOF while expecting an SExpr."
UnexpectedEOFSList mContext ->
"Parse error: Encountered EOF in the middle of parsing an SList.\n"
++ ifAvailableShow mContext "\n"
UnexpectedEOFSString escaped mContext ->
"Parse error: Encountered EOF in the middle of parsing a quoted string\n"
++ "Escape mode for next character: "
++ (if escaped then "on" else "off")
++ ifAvailableShow mContext "\nThese chars have been parsed so far: "
UnexpectedContentAfter parsedExpr mContext ->
"Parse error: This SExpr has been successfully parsed:\n"
++ show parsedExpr
++ "\nBut some unexpected content is present after"
++ ifAvailableShow mContext ":\n"
ifAvailableShow :: (Show a) => Maybe a -> String -> String
ifAvailableShow mContext header = case mContext of
Nothing -> ""
Just c -> header ++ show c

readStringWithoutDest :: String -> Bool -> String -> Either SExprParseError (SExpr, String)
readStringWithoutDest = \cases
acc escaped [] -> Left $ UnexpectedEOFSString escaped (Just acc)
acc True ('n' : xs) -> readStringWithoutDest ('\n' : acc) False xs -- TODO: add other escape chars
acc False ('\\' : xs) -> readStringWithoutDest acc True xs
acc False ('"' : xs) -> Right $ (SString $ reverse acc, xs)
acc _ (x : xs) -> readStringWithoutDest (x : acc) False xs
acc escaped [] -> Left $ UnexpectedEOFSString escaped (Just acc)
acc True ('n' : xs) -> readStringWithoutDest ('\n' : acc) False xs -- TODO: add other escape chars
acc False ('\\' : xs) -> readStringWithoutDest acc True xs
acc False ('"' : xs) -> Right $ (SString $ reverse acc, xs)
acc _ (x : xs) -> readStringWithoutDest (x : acc) False xs

parseWithoutDest' :: SContext -> String -> Either SExprParseError (SExpr, String)
parseWithoutDest' = \cases
NotInSList [] -> Left $ UnexpectedEOFSExpr
(InSList exprs) [] -> Left $ UnexpectedEOFSList (Just exprs)
ctx s@(x:xs) -> case x of
'(' -> appendOrRet ctx $ parseWithoutDest' (InSList []) xs
')' -> case ctx of
InSList exprs -> Right (SList $ reverse exprs, xs)
NotInSList -> Left $ UnexpectedClosingParen s
'"' -> appendOrRet ctx $ readStringWithoutDest [] False xs
_ -> if isSpace x
then parseWithoutDest' ctx xs
else case NonLinear.break (\c -> isSpace c || c `NonLinear.elem` ['(', ')', '"']) s of
(raw, remaining) -> case readMaybe @Int raw of
Just int -> appendOrRet ctx $ Right (SInteger int, remaining)
Nothing -> case readMaybe @Float raw of
Just float -> appendOrRet ctx $ Right (SFloat float, remaining)
Nothing -> appendOrRet ctx $ Right (SSymbol raw, remaining)
appendOrRet :: SContext -> Either SExprParseError (SExpr, String) -> Either SExprParseError (SExpr, String)
appendOrRet = \cases
(InSList exprs) (Right (expr, remaining)) -> parseWithoutDest' (InSList $ expr : exprs) remaining
_ res -> res -- left is Nothing or right is error
NotInSList [] -> Left $ UnexpectedEOFSExpr
(InSList exprs) [] -> Left $ UnexpectedEOFSList (Just exprs)
ctx s@(x : xs) -> case x of
'(' -> appendOrRet ctx $ parseWithoutDest' (InSList []) xs
')' -> case ctx of
InSList exprs -> Right (SList $ reverse exprs, xs)
NotInSList -> Left $ UnexpectedClosingParen s
'"' -> appendOrRet ctx $ readStringWithoutDest [] False xs
_ ->
if isSpace x
then parseWithoutDest' ctx xs
else case NonLinear.break (\c -> isSpace c || c `NonLinear.elem` ['(', ')', '"']) s of
(raw, remaining) -> case readMaybe @Int raw of
Just int -> appendOrRet ctx $ Right (SInteger int, remaining)
Nothing -> case readMaybe @Float raw of
Just float -> appendOrRet ctx $ Right (SFloat float, remaining)
Nothing -> appendOrRet ctx $ Right (SSymbol raw, remaining)
appendOrRet :: SContext -> Either SExprParseError (SExpr, String) -> Either SExprParseError (SExpr, String)
appendOrRet = \cases
(InSList exprs) (Right (expr, remaining)) -> parseWithoutDest' (InSList $ expr : exprs) remaining
_ res -> res -- left is Nothing or right is error

parseWithoutDest :: String -> Either SExprParseError SExpr
parseWithoutDest s = case parseWithoutDest' NotInSList s of
Right (expr, remaining) | NonLinear.all isSpace remaining -> Right expr
Right (expr, remaining) -> Left $ UnexpectedContentAfter expr (Just remaining)
Left err -> Left err
Right (expr, remaining) | NonLinear.all isSpace remaining -> Right expr
Right (expr, remaining) -> Left $ UnexpectedContentAfter expr (Just remaining)
Left err -> Left err

defaultSExpr :: SExpr
defaultSExpr = SInteger 0

readStringUsingDest :: Dest String r %1 -> Bool -> String -> Either (Ur SExprParseError) String
readStringUsingDest = \cases
d escaped [] -> d <| C @"[]" `lseq` Left (Ur $ UnexpectedEOFSString escaped Nothing)
d True ('n' : xs) -> case d <| C @":" of (dx, dxs) -> dx <|.. '\n' `lseq` readStringUsingDest dxs False xs -- TODO: add other escape chars
d False ('\\' : xs) -> readStringUsingDest d True xs
d False ('"' : xs) -> d <| C @"[]" `lseq` Right xs
d _ (x : xs) -> case d <| C @":" of (dx, dxs) -> dx <|.. x `lseq` readStringUsingDest dxs False xs
d escaped [] -> d <| C @"[]" `lseq` Left (Ur $ UnexpectedEOFSString escaped Nothing)
d True ('n' : xs) -> case d <| C @":" of (dx, dxs) -> dx <|.. '\n' `lseq` readStringUsingDest dxs False xs -- TODO: add other escape chars
d False ('\\' : xs) -> readStringUsingDest d True xs
d False ('"' : xs) -> d <| C @"[]" `lseq` Right xs
d _ (x : xs) -> case d <| C @":" of (dx, dxs) -> dx <|.. x `lseq` readStringUsingDest dxs False xs

parseUsingDest' :: DSContext r %1 -> String -> Either (Ur SExprParseError) String
parseUsingDest' = \cases
(DNotInSList d) [] -> d <|.. defaultSExpr `lseq` Left $ Ur UnexpectedEOFSExpr
(DInSList d) [] -> d <| C @"[]" `lseq` Left (Ur $ UnexpectedEOFSList Nothing)
ctx s@(x:xs) -> case x of
'(' -> appendOrRet ctx (\dExpr -> parseUsingDest' (DInSList $ dExpr <| C @"SList")) xs
')' -> case ctx of
DInSList d -> d <| C @"[]" `lseq` Right xs
DNotInSList d -> d <|.. defaultSExpr `lseq` Left (Ur $ UnexpectedClosingParen s)
'"' -> appendOrRet ctx (\dExpr -> readStringUsingDest (dExpr <| C @"SString") False) xs
_ -> if isSpace x
then parseUsingDest' ctx xs
else case NonLinear.break (\c -> isSpace c || c `NonLinear.elem` ['(', ')', '"']) s of
(raw, remaining) -> case readMaybe @Int raw of
Just int -> appendOrRet ctx (\dExpr -> dExpr <| C @"SInteger" <|.. int `lseq` Right) remaining
Nothing -> case readMaybe @Float raw of
Just float -> appendOrRet ctx (\dExpr -> dExpr <| C @"SFloat" <|.. float `lseq` Right) remaining
Nothing -> appendOrRet ctx (\dExpr -> dExpr <| C @"SSymbol" <|.. raw `lseq` Right) remaining
appendOrRet :: DSContext r %1 -> (Dest SExpr r %1 -> String -> Either (Ur SExprParseError) String) %1 -> String -> Either (Ur SExprParseError) String
appendOrRet ctx f s = case ctx of
DNotInSList d -> f d s
DInSList d ->
case d <| C @":" of
(dExpr, dRem) -> case f dExpr s of
Right s' -> parseUsingDest' (DInSList dRem) s'
Left err -> dRem <| C @"[]" `lseq` Left err
(DNotInSList d) [] -> d <|.. defaultSExpr `lseq` Left $ Ur UnexpectedEOFSExpr
(DInSList d) [] -> d <| C @"[]" `lseq` Left (Ur $ UnexpectedEOFSList Nothing)
ctx s@(x : xs) -> case x of
'(' -> appendOrRet ctx (\dExpr -> parseUsingDest' (DInSList $ dExpr <| C @"SList")) xs
')' -> case ctx of
DInSList d -> d <| C @"[]" `lseq` Right xs
DNotInSList d -> d <|.. defaultSExpr `lseq` Left (Ur $ UnexpectedClosingParen s)
'"' -> appendOrRet ctx (\dExpr -> readStringUsingDest (dExpr <| C @"SString") False) xs
_ ->
if isSpace x
then parseUsingDest' ctx xs
else case NonLinear.break (\c -> isSpace c || c `NonLinear.elem` ['(', ')', '"']) s of
(raw, remaining) -> case readMaybe @Int raw of
Just int -> appendOrRet ctx (\dExpr -> dExpr <| C @"SInteger" <|.. int `lseq` Right) remaining
Nothing -> case readMaybe @Float raw of
Just float -> appendOrRet ctx (\dExpr -> dExpr <| C @"SFloat" <|.. float `lseq` Right) remaining
Nothing -> appendOrRet ctx (\dExpr -> dExpr <| C @"SSymbol" <|.. raw `lseq` Right) remaining
appendOrRet :: DSContext r %1 -> (Dest SExpr r %1 -> String -> Either (Ur SExprParseError) String) %1 -> String -> Either (Ur SExprParseError) String
appendOrRet ctx f s = case ctx of
DNotInSList d -> f d s
DInSList d ->
case d <| C @":" of
(dExpr, dRem) -> case f dExpr s of
Right s' -> parseUsingDest' (DInSList dRem) s'
Left err -> dRem <| C @"[]" `lseq` Left err

parseUsingDest :: String -> Either SExprParseError SExpr
parseUsingDest s =
case withRegion $ \r ->
case completeExtract $ alloc r <&> DNotInSList <&> flip parseUsingDest' s <&> finalizeResults of
Ur (expr, Right ()) -> Ur (Right expr)
Ur (expr, Left errFn) -> Ur (Left $ errFn expr)
Ur res -> res
finalizeResults :: Either (Ur SExprParseError) String %1 -> Ur (Either (SExpr -> SExprParseError) ())
finalizeResults = \case
Right s -> move s & \case Ur s' -> if NonLinear.all isSpace s' then Ur (Right ()) else Ur (Left $ \expr -> UnexpectedContentAfter expr (Just s'))
Left (Ur err) -> Ur (Left $ const err)
case withRegion $ \r ->
case completeExtract $ alloc r <&> DNotInSList <&> flip parseUsingDest' s <&> finalizeResults of
Ur (expr, Right ()) -> Ur (Right expr)
Ur (expr, Left errFn) -> Ur (Left $ errFn expr) of
Ur res -> res
finalizeResults :: Either (Ur SExprParseError) String %1 -> Ur (Either (SExpr -> SExprParseError) ())
finalizeResults = \case
Right s -> move s & \case Ur s' -> if NonLinear.all isSpace s' then Ur (Right ()) else Ur (Left $ \expr -> UnexpectedContentAfter expr (Just s'))
Left (Ur err) -> Ur (Left $ const err)
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions memory/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
module Main (main) where

import qualified Compact.Pure as Compact

import Test.Tasty.Bench (defaultMain)
import Compact.SExpr
import Test.Tasty.Bench (defaultMain)

-- Launch with
-- stack bench linear-base:bench:memory --ba '+RTS -T'
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