Anti-procrastination website and application blocker with scheduling. Perfect for students and parents alike.
A free and open-source alternative to Cold Turkey
Made by Dang Nam Anh, Truong Duc Quan and Trieu Tran Duc Tri.
Official website:
- You can see your top used websites and the number of times you've visited them.
- This is where you can view your blocked websites.
- To block more websites, go to the Create tab in DomainRules.
- To block a website, you need to add a name to this block rule in the "Name" box, paste the website's URL in the "Domain" tab, tick the "Is Blocked" box, and click "Save".
- This is where you can view all your web usage including the website's name, first time see, last time seen, hit count, and category.
- This is where you can view your blocked applications.
- To block more applications, go to the Create tab in ProcessRules
- To block an application, you need to add a name to this block rule in the "Rule Name" box, write the application's name in the "Exe Name" tab, tick the "Is Blocked" box, and click "Save".
- You can be more specific with your application block with the "Full Name" tab where you can write the full path to the application or the "Md5" tab, but this isn't necessary for the block to work.
- This is where you can view your current running processes.
- This is where you can view your current blocked times. During these times, you can't open the websites and applications you added in "DomainRules" and "ProcessRules'".
- To add a blocked time, go to the "Create" tab in "TimeRules".
- To add a blocked time, you need to add a name to this block rule in the "Name" box, add the start time in the "From Time" and end time in the "To Time", and click "Save".
- This is where you can view additional details about Twert and your device.