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scripts: Move changelog URLs to JSON
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The-Compiler authored and twigleingrid committed May 10, 2022
1 parent c566f1d commit f872e7d
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Showing 3 changed files with 166 additions and 163 deletions.
162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions scripts/dev/changelog_urls.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
"pyparsing": "",
"pylint": "",
"isort": "",
"lazy-object-proxy": "",
"mccabe": "",
"pytest-cov": "",
"pytest-xdist": "",
"pytest-forked": "",
"pytest-xvfb": "",
"EasyProcess": "",
"PyVirtualDisplay": "",
"execnet": "",
"pytest-rerunfailures": "",
"pytest-repeat": "",
"requests": "",
"requests-file": "",
"Werkzeug": "",
"click": "",
"itsdangerous": "",
"parse-type": "",
"sortedcontainers": "",
"soupsieve": "",
"Flask": "",
"Mako": "",
"glob2": "",
"hypothesis": "",
"mypy": "",
"types-PyYAML": "",
"types-dataclasses": "",
"pytest": "",
"iniconfig": "",
"tox": "",
"PyYAML": "",
"pytest-bdd": "",
"snowballstemmer": "",
"virtualenv": "",
"packaging": "",
"build": "",
"attrs": "",
"Jinja2": "",
"MarkupSafe": "",
"flake8": "",
"flake8-docstrings": "",
"flake8-debugger": "",
"flake8-builtins": "",
"flake8-bugbear": "",
"flake8-tidy-imports": "",
"flake8-tuple": "",
"flake8-comprehensions": "",
"flake8-copyright": "",
"flake8-deprecated": "",
"flake8-future-import": "",
"flake8-mock": "",
"flake8-polyfill": "",
"flake8-string-format": "",
"flake8-plugin-utils": "",
"flake8-pytest-style": "",
"pep8-naming": "",
"pycodestyle": "",
"pyflakes": "",
"cffi": "",
"astroid": "",
"pytest-instafail": "",
"coverage": "",
"colorama": "",
"hunter": "",
"uritemplate": "",
"more-itertools": "",
"pydocstyle": "",
"Sphinx": "",
"Babel": "",
"alabaster": "",
"imagesize": "",
"pytz": "",
"sphinxcontrib-applehelp": "",
"sphinxcontrib-devhelp": "",
"sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp": "",
"sphinxcontrib-jsmath": "",
"sphinxcontrib-qthelp": "",
"sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml": "",
"jaraco.functools": "",
"parse": "",
"py": "",
"Pympler": "",
"pytest-mock": "",
"pytest-qt": "",
"pyinstaller": "",
"pyinstaller-hooks-contrib": "",
"pytest-benchmark": "",
"typed-ast": "",
"docutils": "",
"bump2version": "",
"six": "",
"altgraph": "",
"urllib3": "",
"lxml": "",
"jwcrypto": "",
"wrapt": "",
"pep517": "",
"cryptography": "",
"toml": "",
"tomli": "",
"PyQt5": "",
"PyQt5-Qt5": "",
"PyQtWebEngine": "",
"PyQtWebEngine-Qt5": "",
"PyQt-builder": "",
"PyQt5-sip": "",
"PyQt5-stubs": "",
"sip": "",
"Pygments": "",
"vulture": "",
"distlib": "",
"py-cpuinfo": "",
"cheroot": "",
"certifi": "",
"chardet": "",
"charset-normalizer": "",
"idna": "",
"tldextract": "",
"typing_extensions": "",
"diff-cover": "",
"pytest-icdiff": "",
"icdiff": "",
"pprintpp": "",
"beautifulsoup4": "",
"check-manifest": "",
"yamllint": "",
"pathspec": "",
"filelock": "",
"": "",
"manhole": "",
"pycparser": "",
"python-dateutil": "",
"platformdirs": "",
"pluggy": "",
"mypy-extensions": "",
"pyroma": "",
"adblock": "",
"importlib-resources": "",
"importlib-metadata": "",
"zipp": "",
"dataclasses": "",
"pip": "",
"wheel": "",
"setuptools": "",
"future": "",
"pefile": "",
"Deprecated": "",
"SecretStorage": "",
"bleach": "",
"jeepney": "",
"keyring": "",
"pkginfo": "",
"readme-renderer": "",
"requests-toolbelt": "",
"rfc3986": "",
"tqdm": "",
"twine": "",
"webencodings": ""
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scripts/dev/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def check_changelog_urls(_args: argparse.Namespace = None) -> bool:
utils.print_col(f"Extra changelog URLs: {req_str}", 'red')

if not ok:
print("Hint: Changelog URLs are in scripts/dev/")
print("Hint: Changelog URLs are in scripts/dev/changelog_urls.json")

return ok

Expand Down

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