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Add an efficient reservoir sampling aggregator
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This aggregator uses Li's "Algorithm L", a simple yet efficient
sampling method, with modifications to support a monoidal setting.

A JMH benchmark was added for both this and the old priority-queue
algoritm. In a single-threaded benchmark on an Intel Core i9-10885H,
this algorithm can outperform the old one by an order of magnitude or
more, depending on the parameters.

Because of this, the new algorithm was made the default for

Unit tests were added for both algorithms. These are probabilistic and
are expected to fail on some 0.1% of times, per test case (p-value is
set to 0.001).

Optimized overloads of aggregation methods append/appendAll were added
that operate on IndexedSeqs. These have efficient random access and
allow us to skip over items without examining each one, so sublinear
runtime can be achieved.
  • Loading branch information
marcusb committed Dec 31, 2024
1 parent 464917d commit 10198ac
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package com.twitter.algebird.benchmark

import com.twitter.algebird.mutable.ReservoirSamplingToListAggregator
import com.twitter.algebird.{Aggregator, Preparer}
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, Param, Scope, State}
import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole

import scala.util.Random

object ReservoirSamplingBenchmark {
class BenchmarkState {
@Param(Array("100", "10000", "1000000"))
var collectionSize: Int = 0

@Param(Array("0.001", "0.01", "0.1"))
var sampleRate: Double = 0.0

def samples: Int = (sampleRate * collectionSize).ceil.toInt

val rng = new Random()
implicit val randomSupplier: () => Random = () => rng

class ReservoirSamplingBenchmark {
import ReservoirSamplingBenchmark._

private def prioQueueSampler[T](count: Int) =
.map(rng.nextDouble() -> _)

def timeAlgorithmL(state: BenchmarkState, bh: Blackhole): Unit =
bh.consume(new ReservoirSamplingToListAggregator[Int](state.samples).apply(0 until state.collectionSize))

def timeAlgorithmLSeq(state: BenchmarkState, bh: Blackhole): Unit =
bh.consume(new ReservoirSamplingToListAggregator[Int](state.samples).apply((0 until state.collectionSize).asInstanceOf[Seq[Int]]))

def timePriorityQeueue(state: BenchmarkState, bh: Blackhole): Unit =
bh.consume(prioQueueSampler(state.samples).apply(0 until state.collectionSize))
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@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package com.twitter.algebird

import com.twitter.algebird.mutable.{Reservoir, ReservoirSamplingToListAggregator}

import java.util.PriorityQueue
import scala.collection.compat._
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,12 +288,9 @@ object Aggregator extends {
def reservoirSample[T](
count: Int,
seed: Int = DefaultSeed
): MonoidAggregator[T, PriorityQueue[(Double, T)], Seq[T]] = {
val rng = new java.util.Random(seed)
.map(rng.nextDouble() -> _)
): MonoidAggregator[T, Reservoir[T], Seq[T]] = {
val rng = new scala.util.Random(seed)
new ReservoirSamplingToListAggregator[T](count)(() => rng)

Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
package com.twitter.algebird.mutable

import com.twitter.algebird.{Monoid, MonoidAggregator}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Random

* A reservoir of the currently sampled items.
* @param capacity
* the reservoir capacity
* @tparam T
* the element type
sealed class Reservoir[T](val capacity: Int) {
var reservoir: mutable.ArrayBuffer[T] = new mutable.ArrayBuffer

// When the reservoir is full, w is the threshold for accepting an element into the reservoir, and
// the following invariant holds: The maximum score of the elements in the reservoir is w,
// and the remaining elements are distributed as U[0, w].
// Scores are not kept explicitly, only their distribution is tracked and sampled from.
// (w = 1 when the reservoir is not full.)
var w: Double = 1

require(capacity > 0, "reservoir size must be positive")
private val kInv: Double = 1d / capacity

def size: Int = reservoir.size
def isEmpty: Boolean = reservoir.isEmpty
def isFull: Boolean = size == capacity

* Add an element to the reservoir. If the reservoir is full then the element will replace a random element
* in the reservoir, and the threshold <pre>w</pre> is updated.
* When adding multiple elements, [[append]] should be used to take advantage of exponential jumps.
* @param x
* the element to add
* @param rng
* the random source
def accept(x: T, rng: Random): Unit = {
if (isFull) {
reservoir(rng.nextInt(capacity)) = x
} else {
if (isFull) {
w *= Math.pow(rng.nextDouble, kInv)

// The number of items to skip before accepting the next item is geometrically distributed
// with probability of success w / prior. The prior will be 1 when adding to a single reservoir,
// but when merging reservoirs it will be the threshold of the reservoir being pulled from,
// and in this case we require that w < prior.
private def nextAcceptTime(rng: Random, prior: Double = 1.0): Int =
(-rng.self.nextExponential / Math.log1p(-w / prior)).toInt

* Add multiple elements to the reservoir.
* @param xs
* the elements to add
* @param rng
* the random source
* @param prior
* the threshold of the elements being added, such that the added element's value is distributed as
* <pre>U[0, prior]</pre>
* @return
* this reservoir
def append(xs: TraversableOnce[T], rng: Random): Reservoir[T] = {
var skip = if (isFull) nextAcceptTime(rng) else 0
for (x <- xs) {
if (!isFull) {
// keep adding while reservoir is not full
accept(x, rng)
if (isFull) {
skip = nextAcceptTime(rng)
} else if (skip > 0) {
skip -= 1
} else {
accept(x, rng)
skip = nextAcceptTime(rng)

* Add multiple elements to the reservoir. This overload is optimized for indexed sequences, where we can
* skip over multiple indexes without accessing the elements.
* @param xs
* the elements to add
* @param rng
* the random source
* @param prior
* the threshold of the elements being added, such that the added element's value is distributed as
* <pre>U[0, prior]</pre>
* @return
* this reservoir
def append(xs: IndexedSeq[T], rng: Random, prior: Double): Reservoir[T] = {
var i = xs.size.min(capacity - size)
for (j <- 0 until i) {
accept(xs(j), rng)

val end = xs.size
while (i >= 0 && i < end) {
i += nextAcceptTime(rng, prior)
// the addition can overflow, in which case i < 0
if (i >= 0 && i < end) {
// element enters the reservoir
reservoir(rng.nextInt(capacity)) = xs(i)
w *= Math.pow(rng.nextDouble, kInv)
i += 1

override def toString: String = s"Reservoir($capacity, $w, ${reservoir.toList})"

object Reservoir {
implicit def monoid[T](implicit randomSupplier: () => Random): Monoid[Reservoir[T]] =
new ReservoirMonoid()(randomSupplier)

* This is the "Algorithm L" reservoir sampling algorithm [1], with modifications to act as a monoid by
* merging reservoirs.
* [1] Kim-Hung Li, "Reservoir-Sampling Algorithms of Time Complexity O(n(1+log(N/n)))", 1994
* @tparam T
* the item type
class ReservoirMonoid[T](implicit val randomSupplier: () => Random) extends Monoid[Reservoir[T]] {

* Builds a reservoir with a single item.
* @param k
* the reservoir capacity
* @param x
* the item to add
* @return
def build(k: Int, x: T): Reservoir[T] = {
val r = new Reservoir[T](k)
r.accept(x, randomSupplier())

override def zero: Reservoir[T] = new Reservoir(1)
def zero(k: Int): Reservoir[T] = new Reservoir(k)
override def isNonZero(r: Reservoir[T]): Boolean = !r.isEmpty

* Merge two reservoirs. NOTE: This mutates one or both of the reservoirs. They should not be used after
* this operation, except as the return value for further aggregation.
override def plus(left: Reservoir[T], right: Reservoir[T]): Reservoir[T] =
if (left.isEmpty) right
else if (left.size + right.size <= left.capacity) {
// the sum of the sizes is less than the reservoir size, so we can just merge
left.append(right.reservoir, randomSupplier())
} else {
val (s1, s2) = if (left.w < right.w) (left, right) else (right, left)
val rng = randomSupplier()
if (s2.isFull) {
// The highest score in s2 is w, and the other scores are distributed as U[0, w].
// Since s1.w < s2.w, we have to drop the single (sampled) element with the highest score
// unconditionally. The other elements enter the reservoir with probability s1.w / s2.w.
val i = rng.nextInt(s2.size)
s2.reservoir(i) = s2.reservoir.head
s1.append(s2.reservoir.drop(1), rng, s2.w)
} else {
s1.append(s2.reservoir, rng, 1.0)

* An aggregator that uses reservoir sampling to sample k elements from a stream of items. Because the
* reservoir is mutable, it is a good idea to copy the result to an immutable view before using it, as is done
* by [[ReservoirSamplingToListAggregator]].
* The aggregator defines operations for [[IndexedSeq]]s that allow for more efficient aggregation, however
* care must be taken with methods such as [[composePrepare()]] which return a regular [[MonoidAggregator]]
* that loses this optimized behavior.
* @param k
* the number of elements to sample
* @param randomSupplier
* the random generator
* @tparam T
* the item type
* @tparam C
* the result type
abstract class ReservoirSamplingAggregator[T, +C](k: Int)(implicit val randomSupplier: () => Random)
extends MonoidAggregator[T, Reservoir[T], C] {
override val monoid: ReservoirMonoid[T] = new ReservoirMonoid
override def prepare(x: T): Reservoir[T] =, x)

override def apply(xs: TraversableOnce[T]): C = present(agg(xs))
def apply(xs: IndexedSeq[T]): C = present(agg(xs))

override def applyOption(inputs: TraversableOnce[T]): Option[C] =
if (inputs.isEmpty) None else Some(apply(inputs))

override def append(r: Reservoir[T], t: T): Reservoir[T] = r.append(Seq(t), randomSupplier())

override def appendAll(r: Reservoir[T], xs: TraversableOnce[T]): Reservoir[T] =
r.append(xs, randomSupplier())
def appendAll(r: Reservoir[T], xs: IndexedSeq[T]): Reservoir[T] =
r.append(xs, randomSupplier(), 1.0)

override def appendAll(xs: TraversableOnce[T]): Reservoir[T] = agg(xs)
def appendAll(xs: IndexedSeq[T]): Reservoir[T] = agg(xs)

private def agg(xs: TraversableOnce[T]): Reservoir[T] =
appendAll(, xs)
private def agg(xs: IndexedSeq[T]): Reservoir[T] =
appendAll(, xs)

class ReservoirSamplingToListAggregator[T](k: Int)(implicit randomSupplier: () => Random)
extends ReservoirSamplingAggregator[T, List[T]](k)(randomSupplier) {
override def present(r: Reservoir[T]): List[T] =

override def andThenPresent[D](f: List[T] => D): MonoidAggregator[T, Reservoir[T], D] =
new AndThenPresent(this, f)

* Monoid that implements [[andThenPresent]] without ruining the optimized behavior of the aggregator.
protected class AndThenPresent[-A, B, C, +D](val agg: MonoidAggregator[A, B, C], f: C => D)
extends MonoidAggregator[A, B, D] {
override val monoid: Monoid[B] = agg.monoid
override def prepare(a: A): B = agg.prepare(a)
override def present(b: B): D = f(agg.present(b))

override def apply(xs: TraversableOnce[A]): D = f(agg(xs))
override def applyOption(xs: TraversableOnce[A]): Option[D] = agg.applyOption(xs).map(f)
override def append(b: B, a: A): B = agg.append(b, a)
override def appendAll(b: B, as: TraversableOnce[A]): B = agg.appendAll(b, as)
override def appendAll(as: TraversableOnce[A]): B = agg.appendAll(as)

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