What is Nightmare Tower?
This is a modification for Serious Sam Classic The First Encounter.
The nightmare tower. A fan-made addition to the game containing three levels and released in 2001.
It received the status of a cult as it was published on CDs in the CIS countries.
It is based on the library from the Serious Sam++ modification from Elad 'Aircars Iirion Claus' Amir.
This mod required https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic or https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK to run.
Nightmare Tower was created by fans of the game Serious Sam Classic and is distributed for free.
Leonid Kolesnichenko is author this mod for windows.
Download SamTFE-Tower.tar.xz archive and unpack to SeriousSamClassic/SamTFE/ directory.
You can also download the archive using curl or wget:
wget https://archive.org/download/sam-tfe-tower/SamTFE-Tower.tar.xz
To start the modification, use the game menu - item Modification.
Type this in your terminal:
git clone https://github.com/tx00100xt/SE1-TFE-Tower.git
cd SE1-TFE-Tower/Sources
./build-linux64.sh # use build-linux32.sh for 32-bits
After that , libraries will be collected in the Mods directory.
Copy them to SeriousSamClassic/SamTFE/Mods/Tower/Bin folder.
Instead of building you can install packages from ppa by adding ppa:tx00100xt/serioussam to your system's Software Sources.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tx00100xt/serioussam
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tx00100xt/serioussam-mods
sudo apt update
This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.
deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/tx00100xt/serioussam/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main
deb-src https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/tx00100xt/serioussam/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main
After adding ppa, run the commands:
sudo apt install serioussamclassic serioussam-tower
sudo apt install serioussamclassic-vk serioussam-tower
To build a game for gentoo, use a https://github.com/tx00100xt/serioussam-overlay containing ready-made ebuilds for building the game and add-ons.
To build a game under Arch Linux you can use the package from AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/serioussam
The build for raspberry pi is similar to the build for Linux, you just need to add an additional build key.
git clone https://github.com/tx00100xt/SE1-TFE-Tower.git
cd SE1-TFE-Tower/Sources
./build-linux64.sh -DRPI4=TRUE # use build-linux32.sh for 32-bits
Install bash. Type this in your terminal:
git clone https://github.com/tx00100xt/SE1-TFE-Tower.git
cd SE1-TFE-Tower/Sources
bash build-linux64.sh # use build-linux32.sh for 32-bits
After that , libraries will be collected in the Mods directory.
Copy them to SeriousSamClassic/SamTFE/Mods/Tower/Bin folder.
Install dependes
brew install bison flex sdl2 libogg libvorbis zlib-ng cmake git
Type this in your terminal:
git clone https://github.com/tx00100xt/SE1-TFE-Tower.git
cd SE1-TFE-Tower/Sources
mkdir build
cd build
make -j4
make install
After that , libraries will be collected in the Mods directory.
Copy them to SeriousSamClassic/SamTFE/Mods/Tower/Bin folder.
- This project can be compiled starting from Windows 7 and higher.
- Download and Install Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition or higher.
- Download and Install Windows 10 SDK 10.0.14393.795 or other.
- Open the solution in the Sources folder, select Release x64 or Release Win32 and compile it.
Raspberry PI OS
You can download a the automatically build based on the latest commit.
To do this, go to the Actions tab, select the top workflows, and then Artifacts.
- Serious Engine v1.10 is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 (see LICENSE file).