A simple and fast MinHash implementation in C, with a Python wrapper.
gcc minhash.c -o minhash
gcc mh_fasta.c -o mh_fasta
python setup.py install
Command line:
minhash <seq> <tile size> <seed>
mh_fasta <query_fasta> <target_fasta> <k> <h> <seed> <threshold> > <output>
import minhash
hash_val, kmer_pos = minhash.minhash("stringy", 3, random.randint(0,2**32-1))
Performs only a single pass (one hash function) over all tiles of given size in the string.
Returns: minimum hash value (uint32), position of tile with min hash value
Parameters: <query_fasta> <target_fasta> <k> <h> <seed> <threshold>
Query and target files may be the same, in which case it will do pairwise comparison
Results should be piped to an output file, and are in the form: <query_idx>,<query_reverse?>,<target_idx>,<# matches>,<offset>
Where query and target are indices into their respective FASTA, query_reverse is 1(reverse complemented) or 0, # matches is the integer total of matched k-mers (out of a maximum of h), and the offset is the computed average offset between matched k-mers.
Values >16 for k are not allowed because I'm packing the k-mer into a uint32. This may change in the future.