Grant Butler | [email protected]
Tyler Zars | [email protected]
A typing test game that generates random upper and lower case letters in a random fashion to test your typing skill. This code was written in MASM and compiled in Visual Studio with the Irvine Library.
A programming contest, with demo in class. You can program any game/task of your choice. You can program in teams of 2 students. Each team gets 4 minutes to demo its program.
See a previous semester 2 rounds examples at:
You can use only assembly and Irvine's libraries. Complexity does not have to be high, even if it is appreciated.
The class votes on projects. Top demos get significant bonus points. Upload sources. Colleagues will peer-review anonymously for plagiarism. Plagiarism is addressed according to the FIT standard procedures (0 in assignment,...).
Students get bonuses for generating deep peer reviews with execution reports. For peer review (deadline Wednesday March 7), address the items:
originality (3 points)
complexity (1 point)
runs/bugs (3 points)
code comments (1 point)