Portable C++ duplex voice capture and low latency feedback
Other (higher) latency but more flexible versions are available at https://github.com/type-one/SideTone https://github.com/type-one/CSideTone
Small test program written in C++17 to have voice feedback with short latency. The code is portable and use the miniaudio framework (https://miniaud.io/).
The purpose was to test the duplex feature of miniaudio and which minimum period it was possible to reach (between 1 ms and 8 ms).
This small framework can be a start for more complex sound processing on the feedback voice.
Can be compiled and Linux and Windows, and should be easily adapted for other platforms supported by miniaudio (Mac, Android, BSD).
The underlying miniaudio uses the standard default sound API of the OS (Linux/ALSA, Windows/WinMM, Android/OpenSLES, Mac/CoreAudio...) and not a specific low latency one (Jack, ASIO, ...), with default parameters.
On Linux, just use cmake . On Windows, just use cmake-gui to generate a Visual Studio solution
Tested on Windows 10 and Ubuntu/Debian Linux (on native host and in VMplayer). It should work also on Raspberry Pi. It just use default capture and playback devices.
Launch in a shell using "sidetone_duplex.exe" or "sidetone_duplex" Press "enter" to exit
You can play with different parameters in the audio/audio_config.hpp file: format, sample rate, channels, period.
Recommended parameters are 22050 hz, mono (1 channel), signed 16, and a period of 1 ms for Windows and 8 ms for Linux.
Laurent Lardinois / Type One (TFL-TDV)