Tinder API is a library that helps you deal with tinder without using the browser also in future version it will have an AI class that will help you train/test your model with simple steps
Use the package manager pip to install tinderapi.
pip install tinderapi
Create an AI Model that decide a binary choice 1 = Like and 0 = Dislike based on a database created using tinder database. This library will create a database using SQLite by delaut called Tinder.db were all the data will be stored
To prepare your database for training you can use scave.py
from tinderapi import Scavenger
import json
ACCOUNT = json.loads(open('account.json', 'r').read())
scavenger = Scavenger('Photos', ACCOUNT['telegram_bot_access_token'], ACCOUNT['chat_id'])
When scave.py
is running you'll receive one picture for a random user and you'll get 3 choices (like, dislike and next)
- Like: change like stat in the DB to 1
- Dislike: change like stat in the DB to -1
- Next: get the next picture (if it's the last photo it will skip the user)
Change Tinder X-AUTH-TOKEN and create a Telegram Bot to receive LIVE Update in account.json
tinder_auth: open google chrome devtool and search into request headers for x-auth-token
telegram_bot_access_token: create a bot using bot father https://web.telegram.org/z/#93372553
chat_id: send a message to the bot and check your is in api.telegram.org/bot{your_access_token}/getUpdates
group_id: create a group and add the bot to it you'll find the group_id in api.telegram.org/bot{your_access_token}/getUpdates (it's always a negative number)
"tinder_auth": "cb10ca8b-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
"telegram_bot_access_token": "51xxx83571:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"chat_id": 543000000,
"group_id": -718000000
import time
from tinderapi import Tinder, TinderProfile, TinderDB, Telegram
import random
import json
ACCOUNT = json.loads(open('account.json', 'r').read())
AUTH_TOKEN = ACCOUNT['tinder_auth']
DB = TinderDB()
def liker():
while True:
TinderAcc = Tinder(AUTH_TOKEN)
telegram = Telegram(telegram_key=ACCOUNT['telegram_bot_access_token'], chat_id=ACCOUNT['group_id'])
matches = TinderAcc.get_potential_matches(verbose=False)
if matches == -1:
elif matches == 2:
telegram.sendMessage('Timeout waiting 5 min')
time.sleep(60 * 5)
for potential_match in matches:
profile = TinderProfile(potential_match, AUTH_TOKEN, save_pics=True)
profile.like() # for dislike profile.dislike()
telegram.sendPhoto(f'{profile.name} - {profile.birth_date.split("-")[0]} - {profile.distance_km} KM',
time.sleep(random.randint(1, 4))
print('Searching New Matches...')
telegram.sendMessage('Searching for new matches...')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Example script main.py
Example script scave.py
- Add TensorFlow simplfied classes for Tinder
- Finish first Ai Model
- Host The app on a Django server
- much more
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.