The annual conference on the use of R in official statistics will take place on the premises of the national statistical institute of Romania May 20-21. We are excited to announce an unconference use of R in official statistics on the day after the uRos conference, so on 22nd of May.
The idea behind the event (similar to for R in general) to bring together useRs from the area of official statistics to work for one day on concrete projects where enhancements would benefit many institutes, organisation,... .
Similar to the idea of the awesome official statistics software list, this should complement an abstract top-down approach such as the common statistical production architecture with fast bottom-up solutions.
If you are interested in participating, please contact us by email to [email protected] with a short summary of your motivation and your experience in R.
Everyone interested in joining or with a concret idea to implement, please write us or even better clone this repo, add a small markdown file describing your idea to the doc folder in this repo and send a pull request to us. To give a hint what kind of proposals we are aiming for, please see the implemented projects from the unconfUROS2018.
- A shiny app for data validation and rule management
- A categorical variable that satisfies needs of NSI's
- A shiny app that visualizes an interactive price kaleidoscope
- A wrapper for the Dutch (reverse) geocoding service Locatieserver hosted by PDOK