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Computational Practices: Digital Production

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Computational Practices: Digital Production


Mon from 13.30 - 17.30, B501-02 (refer to Celcat timetable for latest information

Office Hours

Visit Irene's office hours: By appointment: Monday at 12:00-1:00 in B401C (CCI Offices on Level 4)
Visit Danielle's office hours: By Appointment. please email me

Table of Contents


This unit introduces you to image editing tools, time-based tools for video content, moving image and sound production and common 3D modelling and animation tools. The unit also introduces to common approaches to media compression and common filetypes.

Digital media production in the creative industries takes in a broad range of practices supported by common software tools and having an understanding of common digital tools and workflows is important to develop a versatile computational practice.

Through workshops and set tasks, you will produce a series of course work tasks that use specific media software. This work will be submitted at the end of the unit for assessment.

Indicative Content

  • How to capture and edit audio and video content
  • How to composite visual elements with time-based content
  • How to edit sound files and composite sound elements
  • Exploring commons file types and approaches to compression
  • How to produce and animate 3D assets

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit you will be able to:
LO1 Demonstrate an ability to use common digital media software (Knowledge)
LO2 Demonstrate an ability to edit sound and moving image content (Knowledge)
LO3 Demonstrate an ability to produce 3D assets and animated content. (Knowledge)

For more information about Learning Outcomes, go to section 2.1: Course Aims and objectives and Marking criteria website

Assessment Requirements

This unit is assessed holistically (100% of the unit). Assessment will be against the specified marking criteria.

Assessments consists of:

  • Coursework:
    A set of completed tasks from all of the class sessions.

  • Documentation/Process Log:
    A blog or rich text document showing weekly:

    • in-class exercises;
    • out-of-class/independent experiments;
    • and reflection on class and independent work.

For more information about how your assignments are marked, please go to section 4.0: assessment. You will receive an assignment brief, which will give you more detail.

Submission Details

Zip folder containing all class tasks via Moodle (100MB Max size).

Course work hand-In date & time:
Mon 08/06/2020 by 4pm

There is no extended accommodated assessment submission date on this unit.

Teaching and Learning Methods

To enable you to demonstrate achievement against the learning outcomes, the subject will attend a series of lectures and labs and complete assignments.

Teaching Modes Time Activities
Labs 2hrs Demonstrations, Tutorials
Workshops 2hrs Experimentation, Group Discussions
Independent Study 8hrs Assignment Completion, Documentation, Reading

Reading List

Essential Reading

Brindle, M. (2014). The Digital Filmmaking Handbook. Hachette UK. Crook, I. and Beare, P. (2017) Motion Graphics: Principles and Practices from the Ground Up. Bloomsbury Publishing. Jackson, W. (2015). Digital Audio Editing Fundamentals. Apress. Thilakanathan, D. (2016). 3D Modeling for Beginners: Learn Everything You Need to Know about 3D Modeling! CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Further Reading

Collins, N., Collins, N., Schedel, M. and Wilson, S. (2013). Electronic Music. Cambridge University Press. Mamgain, P. (2018). Exploring 3D Modeling with CINEMA 4D R19 - A Beginner’s Guide. PADEXI Academy. Smith, J. and Smith, C. (2017). Adobe Creative Cloud All-in-One For Dummies. John Wiley & Sons.

Online Resources:


Computer Arts / Creative Review / Net

Weekly Schedule

Week 1

Introduction to Digital Imaging I --- Paper to Pixels
Working in Adobe Photoshop

Task 1:

  • Start your process blog.

Using the methods from class, create a 300dpi poster in Photoshop that will serve as the cover photo for your class blog for Computational Practices: Digital Production.

  • Upload a 72dpi .jpeg version of the poster to your blog.
  • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog.

Week 2

Digital Imaging II --- Digital Illustration / Painting
Character Design with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

Task 2: Using the methods from class, design a set of 4 simple and original emojis. These maybe self-portrait emojis or any object you are interested in.

  • Export your files as .png and;
  • Upload your emojis to your blog.
  • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog.

Week 3

Time-Based Work --- Sequential Images and Animation Creating GIFs and Videps in Adobe Photoshop and After Effects

Task 3: Create a series of gifs using the assets you created from Week 2. You may also create new objects to animate.

  • Upload your GIF files to your blog.
  • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog.

Week 4

The Physical Camera --- Basics of Filmmaking && The Virtual Camera I --- Introducing the Z-Axis in After Effects

Task 4:

  • Create a 1-2 min. video using the techniques introduced in class.
    • Using the loaned cameras, take three video shots (one medium range, one close up, and one establishing shot) of an interesting or unique aspect of your environment.
    • Create a title sequence for your video composition in AE, add background music from Free Music Archive or The YouTube Creator Studio Audio Library, and export this as a .mp4 file from Adobe Media Encoder.
    • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog.

Week 5

Introduction to 3D Modelling I Basics of 3D software and 3D modelling.

Task 5: Create a scene in blender with at least 2 characters a full landscape , at least one piece of furnature

render out 4 images -1 image of entire scene -image of furnature -2 of each character with a description of the characters

  • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog.

Week 6

Introduction to 3D Modelling II

A deeper look into 3D Modelling looking at hair, physics and particle systems

Task 6: Reconstruct an image of your choosing

  • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog.

Week 7

Texturing 3D Models

Task 7: Texture an entire object created

  • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog. -Upload the image to your blog

Week 8

Basics of 3D Animation

Task 8: -create a 5-10 second (250 frames) animation clip in blender -export it as a video clip and post it on your blog

  • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog.

Week 9

The Virtual Camera

Task 9: create a sweeping camera shot of your scene

  • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog.

Week 10

Rendering 3D Animation

Task 10: TBD

  • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog.

Week 11

Working with Sound I

Task 11: TBD

  • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog.

Week 12

Working with Sound II

Task 12: TBD

  • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog.

Week 13

Compositing and Editing --- Creating a Video Composition

Task 13:

  • Upload your reflection and process from today's class to your blog.


Computational Practices: Digital Production






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