Base Docker to execute UbiFunction python actions. Based on the original IBM Openwhisk action runner:
The runtime is based on python3.7, older versions are not supported.
Default Python packages supported by the container
- gevent == 21.1.1
- flask == 1.1.2
- beautifulsoup4 == 4.9.3
- httplib2 == 0.19.0
- lxml == 4.6.2
- python-dateutil == 2.8.1
- requests == 2.25.1
- scrapy == 2.4.1
- simplejson == 3.17.2
- twisted == 20.3.0
- paho-mqtt == 1.5.1
- pynt==0.8.2
- pytz == 2020.5
- Js2Py == 0.71
- numpy == 1.19.5
- scikit-learn == 0.24.0
- scipy == 1.5.4
- pandas == 1.1.5
- matplotlib == 3.3.3
- fbprophet == 0.7.1
- arrow == 0.17
- Pillow == 8.1.0
- pytesseract == 0.3.7
- psycopg2 == 2.8.6
- pymongo == 3.11.2
- redis == 3.5.3
- pika == 1.1.0
- elasticsearch == 7.10.1
- etcd3 == 0.12.0
- sentry-sdk==0.19.5
- boto3==1.16.56
- botocore==1.19.56
- google-api-core == 1.30.0
- dialogflow == 1.1.0
- cryptography==3.3.2
- zeep==4.0.0
- pyodbc==4.0.30
- python-aqi==0.6.1
- lunarcalendar==0.0.9
- convertdate==2.2.0
- holidays==0.10.4
- tqdm==4.56.0
- pystan==
- firebase-admin==4.5.1
- google-api-python-client==2.39.0
- google-auth-httplib2==0.1.0
- google-auth-oauthlib==0.5.0
- stripe==3.3.0
Write a simple function and save it as
def main(args):
name = args.get("name", "stranger")
greeting = "Hello " + name + "!"
return {"greeting": greeting}
To use as a python kind action
ibmcloud wsk action create helloPython --kind python:3.7
Invoke the action
ibmcloud wsk action invoke helloPython
To use as a docker action based on this container
ibmcloud wsk action update helloPython --docker ubidots/docker-ubifunction-python3action