Due to changes in the RN171 module, we can no longer provide support for this code.
Ubidots-Arduino-WiFly provides an example of sending data to Ubidots from the WiFly shield, which uses the RN171 chip from Microchip Technologies.
- Arduino uno
- WiFly shield RN171
- This WiFly library
Here's a quick example of how to post an analogue value to Ubidots.
Basic sketch for WiFly shield RN171
This is a basic example to post a value to Ubidots using the function "save_value".
You'll need:
* An Arduino Uno
* A WiFly Shield RN171
Pins' connection
Arduino WiFly
2 <----> TX
3 <----> RX
Created 20 Aug. 2014
by Mateo Velez - Metavix
This example code is in the public domain.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <WiFly.h>
//---------------------Network Configuration-------------------
/* Change the AUTH according to your network settings
If is open change to WIFLY_AUTH_OPEN
If is WPA1 change to WIFLY_AUTH_WPA1
If is WPA1_2 change to WIFLY_AUTH_WPA1
If is WPA2 change to WIFLY_AUTH_WPA1
#define SSID "Atom$House$Medellin"
#define KEY "atommed2014"
SoftwareSerial uart(2, 3);
WiFly wifly(uart);
unsigned long start_millis = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.println("------- WIFLY HTTP --------");
if (!wifly.isAssociated(SSID)) {
while (!wifly.join(SSID, KEY, AUTH))
Serial.println("Failed to join " SSID);
Serial.println("Wait 0.1 second and try again...");
void loop() {
int reset = 0;
int valor = analogRead(A0);
while ((save_value(valor)) < 0)
if(reset == 10)
asm volatile (" jmp 0");
// Uncomment for debug
// char r;
// while (wifly.receive((uint8_t *)&r, 1, 1000) == 1)
// {
// Serial.print(r);
// }
int save_value(int dato)
char post_data_buf[32];
snprintf(post_data_buf, sizeof(post_data_buf), "{\"value\": %d}\r\n", dato);
char host[20];
uint16_t port;
if (!wifly.connect("", 80)) {
Serial.println("Failed to connect.\r\n");
return -2;
// Send request
char buf[200];
//dont forget change your id and your token
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "POST /api/v1.6/variables/53beeca07625420bde83ce29/values HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nX-Auth-Token: CCN8FrVulRYGulPTkbaiR9Myx8qN2o\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n",strlen(post_data_buf));
// Send body
if (post_data_buf != NULL) {
return 0;
boolean = ubiclient.save_value(value)
Saves a value to Ubidots. Returns true upon success. Returns false upon error.