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FoolRunning edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 11 revisions


A token representing textual data. When occurring in a sequence of tokens, this text can be understood to pertain to the current paragraph (if any) and any open character style as indicated by the preceding opening - and not subsequently closed - marker(s).

NOTE: IUSFMMarkerToken



bool IsFigure

True if the token is part of a figure.


bool IsFootnoteOrCrossReference

True if the token is part of a footnote or cross reference


bool IsMetadata

Determines if the token is metadata (as opposed to publishable material)


bool IsPublishableVernacular

Determines if the token is in publishable (not metadata) vernacular material


bool IsScripture

Determines if the token is in Scripture (includes chapter/verse numbers)


bool IsSpecial

True if the token is part of a special indivisible group of tokens (link, category, or chapter/verse alternate/publishable)


string Text

Text of the token.


int VerseOffset

Character offset of the start of token in verse. This is defined as the offset from the backslash in the most recent \c, or \v defining the current "verse" (\c represents verse zero). For book introduction material, this is the start of the backslash in the \id.

NOTE: Chapter one does not reset the verse offset as it is considered introduction material.


IVerseRef VerseRef

Current verse reference

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