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FoolRunning edited this page Jun 10, 2021 · 10 revisions


Represents a menu item that is to be inserted into an existing Paratext child window.



PluginMenuEntry(string defaultText, Action< IPluginHost, IParatextChildState > clicked, PluginMenuLocation location=PluginMenuLocation.ScrTextDefault, string imagePath=null, CustomMenuLocation customLocation=null)

Parameter Description
clicked The action to invoke when the menu item is clicked. The child state is the state of the active child window at the time the menu item is clicked.
location A value that specifies a "standard" location where plugins might typically go in the host application's menu structure.
imagePath The file path to an image to show for the menu. Path can be relative to the plugin folder.
customLocation If specified, indicates a custom location in the menu hierarchy (of either the main window menu or a child window menu). If not specified or the path does not resolve to a valid menu location, the location will be used as a fallback. Custom locations are not supported in context menus.

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