Clone the git-Repository via
$ git clone [email protected]:ubuntu-Deutschland-eV/
Furthermore install python-virtualenv
, if you use Ubuntu via
$ sudo apt install python-virtualenv
To install all dependencies, run
$ make install
All articles, written in Markdown, lie in content
. News can be placed directly in there,
more articles are in the pages
To test locally, you can run
$ make devserver
You can visit the site in your browser at
. If you change
something of the content or the theme, the site should be rebuild in the background
automatically. Otherwise you can run the above command a second time to
restart the development server. To stop the development server run
$ make stopserver
Build the HTML from the Markdown-files lying in content
$ make publish
Everything in output
can be put to the webserver.
After every push to github, github actions will automatically build a new ZIP-archive with the contents of the output directory. The archive can be found at
You only have to build the CSS if you made any changes.
We use the „Ubuntu vanilla theme for Vanilla framework“ by Canonical Ltd. See It's licensed under LGPLv3.
Furthermore, commit the changes directly into and update just the submodle-reference in this repository.
To build the CSS run
npm install
gulp build
inside themes/verein/vendor/ubuntu-vanilla-theme
. If you don't want
to install ruby's gem system-wide, you have to install ruby
and scss-lint
(latter via gem install scss-lint
) manually. Moreover, you have to add the
location of the gem-binaries to the PATH
manually, f.e.:
PATH=$HOME/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin:$PATH gulp build