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Jason Sylvestre edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 16 revisions

FAQs and Other info for Sloth


  • System - Can get to anything, but some things will not populate if you don't also have team permissions like the team selector. Can create new teams.
  • Admin - Can update team settings.
  • Approver - Can approve pending transactions
  • Manage - Can create reversals

Deployment steps:

  1. Wait for the pipe to build and deploy
  2. Test Web site to make sure it is functioning
  3. Test Api to make sure it is still working



Prod (legacy):

  1. If everything is good in test, promote to Prod with the pipe


Hooks can call back into the team's application when the web job indicates the money has posted. Currently, only registration test has this functionality. The other teams use web jobs to call into sloth.

Setting Up Custom CyberSource Reports: CyberSource Fields

Adding a CyberSource API Key

Go to Payment Configuration -> Key Management and click "Generate Key". Create a key of type "REST -- Shared Secret" and then choose "Shared Secret" on the next step. Write down the KeyID and Secret, which need to be added into sloth to allow it to access the reports.

Then in sloth, go to the team settings and edit the Integrations card.

Update the Report ApiKey Id and the Report ApiKey Secret

Integrating with KFS

KFS uses SFTP for scrubber upload. A public/private keypair is required to access the server. Create the keypair and send the public key to the KFS team and then input the private key into Sloth.

Creating the keypair:

  1. ssh-keygen -t rsa
  2. Choose a filename and leave the password blank
  3. To get public key in correct format: ssh-keygen -e -f <privatekey>
  4. To get private key in correct format: ssh-keygen -p -N "" -m pem -f <privatekey>. This changes the file in situ.

Connecting (SFTP):

  1. Place the private key file in an accessible location
  2. Terminal command sftp -i privatekeyfile -P port [email protected].

Notes: Cyphers are negotiated and often problematic, so you can use -c cypher to pick a specific cypher to use, and locally you can run ssh -Q cipher to see your available cyphers.


When setting up the KFS source, the Source Name and Type must match what the other application (registration for example) uses to create the transactions.

Registration Example:

Find missing payment order for Payments:

SELECT dbo.Transactions.MerchantTrackingNumber, dbo.Teams.Name, COUNT(*) AS test FROM dbo.Transactions INNER JOIN dbo.Sources ON dbo.Transactions.SourceId = dbo.Sources.Id INNER JOIN dbo.Teams ON dbo.Sources.TeamId = dbo.Teams.Id where dbo.Teams.Name = 'Payments' GROUP BY dbo.Transactions.MerchantTrackingNumber, dbo.Teams.Name order by test asc

Active Directory Secret Expired:

  • Jobs will throw a not authorized exception

  • To get to these pages, you **must **login to the azure portal with a login

  • The following images show how to get to the area to create a new secret:

  • Then save the secret in 1Password and update the sloth config settings: